Just started meds

Jtskywalker@lemm.ee to ADHD@lemmy.world – 56 points –

I just started meds for the first time (Focalin XR). I'm on day 2 and it has been great so far as while I am on them I can actually choose what I want to focus on.

It is a total game changer - stressed about stuff that I have to do in 3 days and feeling like I'm going to spiral out of control into a pit of anxiety and misery? Nope, I'll just focus on what I'm doing today and know that I can take care of that when it is time to do so. I was even able to go to multiple stores and places that would normally overstimulate me and stress me out without any issues.

The first downside I have noticed happened today - when I get hungry I get REALLY hungry and really irritated - extreme hangry. I had read that stimulants normally suppress appetite but that when you come off of them the appetite catches up and you can get really hungry. Apparently that happens to me so I'm going to have to be careful about that and maybe make sure I have a meal planned around the time that they will wear off.

Anybody else have that experience? Or any other interesting experiences about being on meds?


I’m not on meds so I can’t contribute much to the discussion, but I love hearing anecdotes like this because I feel I need them.

Any other aspects of your journey please share!

Thank you! I love reading other anecdotes as well and that is a big part of why I decided to get diagnosed and try medication.

I'm with you. Been kicking around the idea, and I'm close to asking my doctor, but I don't know, I have weird emotional hangups about it. More stories of a positive transition help me too. Thanks!

XR stimulants make me anxious and prone to extreme emotions, which makes IR best for me, personally.

Set alarms for meals! It seriously helps!

I will try that! I have never had to worry about it in the past so that will be an adjustment

2 more...

eat its really important especially when ur taking meth coz u dont really notice but your body still needs food.

Try and eat something during your usual meal times even if you don't feel hungry

Get a notebook and keep track of all the changes you notice.

A drug log is useful when you go back to the doctor. Effects can change over time, os it's a good idea to track how you feel day to day.

That's a great idea! I did start writing some things down but not with dates or times so I'll start a proper log

I've been on meds for about 6 months now and definitely noticed the same thing with Ritalin. My moods were very up and down all the time, especially in the afternoons. I tried adjusting the amounts I was taking, and even having smaller amounts, but more often (same total dosage). In the end I changed to Concerta, as it's a slow release tablet that you take in the morning and forget about it. I think it works much better. It might be worth asking your doc

I will definitely mention that if I continue to have this issue or have other issues. I have a follow up in about a month. The Focalin XR is supposed to be extended release too - for me it seems to last around 8 hours or so which is about what I want because the main concern I have is with work. Outside of work I can structure my life to be pretty ADHD friendly

I'm on vyvanse, and I'll frequently forget to eat. Setting reminders or alarms really helps. I outsource a lot of my memory to my phone and smartwatch. Sometimes I will just have nothing but a couple of lattes and then notice it's 10pm and I haven't eaten a proper meal. At least theres energy there from the full cream milk, but still, not good...

Just don't forget how effective the meds are, especially if you're prone to depression. I once stopped taking them when I was majorly depressed, and sometime after that I was helping my dad at his workplace, digitising records for him. I found some of my old Ritalin (not expired yet) and decided to try it again, and the difference in how many records I got to was like night and day, it was seriously like 5× the amount. Since then I've bounced around a few different meds and dosages before recently settling on vyvanse, which has the strongest effect but least side effects of them all for me. Ritalin was probably the strongest but had the most unpleasant side effects for me.