Trump complains it took Alvin Bragg too long to charge him to politics – 127 points –
Trump complains it took Alvin Bragg too long to charge him

Ahhh, Donald ‘I don’t know how any of this works’ Trump is in the news again with yet another misunderstanding of how any of this works.

Imagine that.

Sorry everybody. He found a loop hole. Trump already ran across the yard and touched the flagpole so you can't charge him with a crime anymore.

He always has something dumb to say. Every excuse will be thrown out. If it happened fast, he'd say it's a witchhunt just the same and they rushed.

Alvin Bragg only took office in January 2022, so he couldn't have charged Trump earlier that that.

That being said, in general, this is one rare subject where I agree with Trump. The timing on these cases is at least partially political. The prosecutors are completely within their rights to wait this long, though.

I truly don't understand why all of them had to delay. At least one of these could have happened years ago. I expect that if Trump is convicted on any of these charges, that he's going to die in prison just because he's so old. So waiting to prosecute is tantamount to giving him a lighter punishment. It's like shortening the sentence by removing prison time from the beginning of it.

Trump should already have been in prison!

Edit: Gotta love when people downvote the plain truth, just because they don't want to admit it. Listen, this is America. You're allowed to criticize people who do the wrong things even if you agree with them about everything else. Just don't equivocate it with things that the bad guys are doing. You're allowed to have nuanced views. In fact, that's a good thing.

Edit 2: Each person who has replied to attack this comment has been shown the error of their ways, and has given up trying to defend their illogical statements. The argument is over. Any future critical replies will be assumed to be trolls and will be dealt with as such. I would like to express my sympathy to people who were incited by this comment. I only spoke the plain truth, and if the plain truth is offensive to you, that is your problem, not mine.

He should've been in prison for decades. That's the problem with a two-tiered "justice" system. There isn't much justice to be found in it.

You do realize investigations take time? And that charges of this level tend to take even more time?

How long do you think the Watergate investigation took? I'll give you a hint, ~2 years.

With the number of players involved and all the shady shit that prosecutors and investigators have to go through, plea deals made, using that information to find corrobating evidence if it doesn't exist yet, possibly flipping another witness and repeating the cycles, new witnesses coming forward, etc etc, I'm surprised we're even seeing charges this year.

I’m surprised we’re even seeing charges this year.

So, you're saying that the timing of these charges seems political, just political in the other direction, moving the trial up instead of back. This has got to be one of the strangest comment chains I've ever started. Everybody essentially agrees with what I've said, but they're still insisting that I'm wrong.

What you just did with using my words to fit your narrative is called a straw man logical fallacy, with a nice dash of false dillema.

I'm saying that these people are good at their fucking jobs and surpassed my expectations as somebody that's not a legal expert but has watched a few high profile investigations play out in my time. Hence my surprise to seeing charges this year.

Nobody is agreeing with you. Your use of logical fallacies are causing you to think everybody is agreeing you.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, so let me ask you this. Do you think the timing of these cases has nothing to do with the upcoming election in 2024?

I think it has nothing to do with the upcoming election. The investigation took time, and that time happens to be about now. If Trump wasn't running, I don't think the timing would have changed.

So, your belief is that Trump was being investigated by New York, Georgia, and the DoJ for years, and that the first indictment was on March 30, and the fourth indictment was on August 1, and that all four of these indictments that came within a four month window, because that was simply the time frame in which their investigations were complete, and that it had nothing to do with whether Trump was running or not?

I suspect there aren't many people who would genuinely agree with your assessment.

Edit: I see your downvote, but I don't see your response. Did you just now realize why odelik didn't respond to the comment that you responded to?

Have you stopped and considered that all of the prosecuters are pulling from the same evidence pool? That they all worked together to deliver relevant information to eachother as they pulled on the specific investigations? Let's not forget they were given a boatload of information from the Senate investigation. Then they worked together to tighten up all of their cases? Then the rest is up to judicial process and timing for the specific courts where filed.

With how fucking transparent the Trump conspiracies were you expect me to believe that there's some conspiracy going on here with the courts and the current executive & senatorial leadership and that that hasn't been leaked yet? I'm not sure how many philosophical razors that this runs afoul too, but my guess is close to all of them.

I said that everything they were doing was legal, so what do you mean by saying that I am asking you to believe in a conspiracy?

If you're not talking about a criminal conspiracy, then your assertion that "they worked together" would count as a conspiracy. So, you specifically say that a conspiracy exists and then immediately afterwards guffaw that anybody would believe that a conspiracy exists.

I’m not sure how many philosophical razors that this runs afoul too, but my guess is close to all of them.

This is hilariously hypocritical.

Also, why are you answering here, odelik? Are you the same person as BassTurd, but using two different accounts? That would seem a bit underhanded.

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Your being downvoted because your using nuance and freeze peaches as a shield IMO.

Everything is political when dealing with a politician. Trump is completely wrong as always, he put himself under the microscope by being president and the delays are irrelevant to the current charges as you stated. He's bitching like he always does and he's still just bitching with no truth behind it.

You're literally agreeing with everything I said 100% in your comment, but you're acting like you disagree somehow.

Might be that you write in a condescending way? Your written voice sounds like it knows better than me just cuz.

Perhaps you're inventing a certain tone for my comments now because if you can blame me, then somehow that will alleviate what you've done.

Just trying to help dude.

It's definitely the second paragraph that I disagree with after rereading your initial comment. Never agree with a sociopath, doesn't matter if they are factually correct, it normalizes their other batshit insane behavior. My life was almost destroyed by a sociopath that made international news for a week and even saying they might be right makes their other lies feel less bad. So the downvotes are justified just for that one sentence even if you go on to sort of disagree with it.

We all have different standards. You have the standard never to agree with a sociopath. I have the standard that the truth is the only foothold from which to make an honest argument.

However, I was clearly not agreeing with Trump in any way that he'd think I was agreeing with him. It's an old rhetorical tactic. A: "You're treating me unfairly!" B: "I agree, if I were being fair, I'd have treated you much worse." You agree with their words, but not their meaning.

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