BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen / BSI warns of vulnerabilities in the password manager KeePassXC

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BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen - BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen

Das BSI warnt vor Schwachstellen im Passwort-Manager KeePassXC. Angreifer können Dateien oder das Master-Passwort ohne Authentifzierungsrückfrage manipulieren.

[The BSI warns of vulnerabilities in the password manager KeePassXC. Attackers can manipulate files or the master password without authentication confirmation.]


KeePassXC is not affected by this vulnerability.


That's not the issue mentioned in the article. Which is CVE-2023-35866.


Added to original comment. Both are recent issues, so confusion is forgivable.

This is also the vulnerability that made many people delete Keepass 2 for XC many months ago so it is very strange that they make an article that sounds like it's a new vulnerability.

Can't read German. What is it required to perform this attack?

Ok I checked it up (CVE-2023-35866). It basically says an attacker may export everything if they have access to your unlocked database. Which seems... obvious? The project contributors says it's not a vulnerability which I incline to agree.

You mean to say that if I leave my door unlocked, somebody might come in? This is shocking news!

Lock the pc, if you leave and lock the db, if pc is locked, lid is closed and this is absolute a non-issue.

German BSI is sometimes a little bit over motivated ;-)

You don't even need to lock the pc, locking the db is sufficient. The issue allows changing the settings on unlocked databases without needing to re-confirm (at least according to the article).

Why is there no link to the article?

On Jerboa(List View) the link is on the thumbail, maybe it's the same in the browser version. Keep in mind that the article on heise is in german.