Israel-Palestine war: Sara Netanyahu's adviser calls for torture of Gaza residents involved in killing Israelis to World – 133 points –
Israel-Palestine war: Sara Netanyahu's adviser calls for torture of Gaza residents involved in killing Israelis


Tzipi Navon, a close adviser to and office manager for Netanyahu's wife, Sara, posted incendiary remarks on Facebook saying it was not enough to "flatten Gaza."

"It won't calm the storm of emotions, it won't dull the intensity of the rage and pain that can't find an outlet for them," Navon wrote.


Instead, she said the culprits should be captured and tortured "one-by-one" by pulling out their nails and skinning them alive.

Further detailing the type of torture she saidthey should endure, Navon said that male genitals should be cut off, fried and fed to the captured.

"Save their tongues for last, so we can enjoy his screams, his ears so he can hear his own screams, and his eyes so he can see us smiling," she said.

What Hamas did was terrible. But this is still nuts.

Why are all the anti Israel things from Can you find multiple sources for these things, so it sounds more trustworthy? Otherwise it's just one claim against another.

I have another question. Why is there so little anti-Israel coverage in the MSM?

They’re committing atrocities just as bad as Hamas, yet we are supposed to applaud them?

Why when Hamas kill babies it’s Hamas’ fault, but when Israel kills babies that’s also Hamas’ fault.

If you go by the logic that Hamas’ actions have given Israel no choice but to indiscriminately kill people. Then it could be said that Israel keeping Palestinians in an open air prisión gave Hamas no choice couldn’t we?

I get that the situation is fucked, but I think we should have a little consistency. Like is it ok to kill babies or not? As if it is I know some right annoying babies that I wouldn’t mind you know…

Western countries are generally allied with Israel, so it stands to reason this is the default position for media in these countries. For this reason, you probably won't find much purely anti-Israel content. Instead, there'll be both pro-Israel coverage and neutral coverage that denounces both sides. There's plenty of the latter, even if pro-Israel coverage dominates overall.

I cannot speak for other countries, but Germany directed aid towards Palastine. No one is/was interested in that. Then violence arises, still keep up aid, but our ministers are against these kinds of attacks. And now somehow Germany is suddenly against Palastine.

This is a kind of political agenda that I absolutely hate.

So far, only Al-Jazeera and Middle East eye have given a neutral point of view. Western media is almost completely unabashedly pro-Israel.

So you are probably new - see - tokenboomer likes to phrase things in a way, that supports Hamas. Take this very Post for example: the Headline says that a certain „adviser calls for torture of Gaza residents“. By phrasing it like that he wants to provoke the response „Israel wants to torture civilians“. In the article you can read that they are talking about Hamas. Torturing Terrorists, even though they are terrorists, is not ok though. There is nothing but talk at the moment.

OP did not editorialises the title, it's exactly the same as the article.

No I agree that if it is true it is not right, I just haven't seen any other media cover these stories, so I can't be sure that they're trustworthy.

Reminds me of the comments and general view towards all Muslims in USA post-9/11 (Sept 11, 2001).