Revealed: how a little-known pollution rule keeps the air dirty for millions of Americans to – 156 points –
Revealed: how a little-known pollution rule keeps the air dirty for millions of Americans

Major investigation shows local governments are increasingly exploiting a loophole in the Clean Air Act, leaving more than 21 million Americans with air that’s dirtier than they realize


In more than half of the states where exceptional events were forgiven, industry lobbyists and business interests pressed to make that happen, sometimes as the only public voice in the regulatory process. Also, to protect the status quo, some regulators spent millions of taxpayer dollars doing research for and making exceptional events requests, sometimes working hand in hand with industry stakeholders.

That's a big problem because it means that Big Buisness is fudging numbers so it can up its own output without going over the limits.

Never think that companies won't help kill people to pad their own profits.

Looking at the data they present, this doesn’t seem like a loophole, but a reasonable step to remove outlier data caused by fires.

The author must not live in the weat where wildfire smoke is common.

Kinda hard to blame [US City] because air pollution was bad for a few days due to Canadian wildfires.

I'm not sure I trust those Canadians with fire, they might come down here and burn down a building or two, again.

Urban greening can help filter the air pollution no matter the origin.

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