sharp rule to – 328 points –

Credit to reddit user shavisi

玻璃螢幕跟金屬接縫那邊會割手, 你他媽跟我說這是正常現象

The glass screen and metal rails will cut your hands. You're fucking telling me that this is okay?

Holy shit, this isn't satire?

The phone in the picture has a home button, therefore it cannot be the iPhone 12. Furthermore, the article you pointed to is about india. Still, even though the phone has a home button, I'm inclined to believe that it is not an iPhone.

I have to imagine the bandaids and apple are there for dramatic hyperbole to sell how uncomfortable it is to hold the phone, but I have no way of knowing that

Looks like a replacement screen. They can often be pretty sharp

I know this isn't a thing, but my brain still feels the papercuts 😫🤦‍♀️😂