Debugging to Programmer – 606 points –

My biggest problem isn't discovering my own crime. It's trying to determine what my motive was at the time.

Usually my motive is, "It's 3am I'll just put this temp placeholder here and fix it in the morning."

Proceeds to not fix it due to forgetting by the morning

You're sure that there was a crime? You're fortunate that your bug is consistently reproducible.

My "favorite" is when following the steps to reproduce a specific bug you get an entirely different bug then what was reported

Actually think about that shit when I'm trying to sleep

Image Transcription: YouTube Comment


"Debugging. The game where you are the criminal, the victim, and the detective at the same time. But you probably don't know where the crime took place, or what it was. But there definitely is a crime."

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Hey. Sometimes the bug is in a third party library. I didn't do it. I swear!

I know there's a crime because my code runs, but it doesn't do what I asked it to do.

The fact that it runs means that it has something delinquent to it. Otherwise it wouldn't run. Better run after it and catch it. /j

(That was a bad pun and I am not sorry. It's 3 am here and I can't sleep. This helped me to burn a minute. Thank you.)

You could technically do this just like how GTA Vs gameplay was with all the different characters.