It's simple. You pick a pawn and move it forward one or two squares. to – 230 points –

I saw someone move a pawn diagonally to an empty square once. I think my game must have glitched.

Whoa, did you get early access to Chess 2??

I'm an early access supporter mostly for the exclusive hats and 100,000 bonus Chess Credz. I got a Platinum Legends Adrian Peterson Rook Card in one of my first packs.

It can be a legal move. A pawn moving 2 squares was added to speed up the game. To keep the balance, "en Passant" was also added. If a pawn uses a double move, on the next turn only, a pawn can capture it, as if it only moved 1 square. This leads to a diagonal move by the attacking pawn, and the defending pawn being removed from a different square.

Now you're telling me I have to know French too???

1 more...
1 more...

Oh no, you do not. Give me nf6 or give me death.