Conservatives Are Boycotting Froot Loops for Creating a Library of Diverse Children's Books Online to politics – 221 points –
Froot Loops Is Offering Free Children's Books Online. Conservatives Are Livid

Great - more illiterate kids, more future conservatives.

Ironically, probably not. Reality has this pernicious way of ignoring politics, and kids are incredibly good at outfoxing parental controls on the Internet. There's at least two libraries in the US that offer free digital library cards to any minor in or out of state, and there's lots of podcasts and online communities that value evidence-based truth.

Basically the book-banning, while wholly reprehensible, is a fight they've already lost, and it only riles up the Conservative Boomers who are too ignorant to know it.

Absolutely - though the efforts will certainly still do damage.

Raising dumber kids to own the libs...

Don't have any kids, guess I'm gonna have to buy a box of Froot Loops. Luckily I have unused marshmallows and butter from Thanksgiving, so I can make 🌈 cereal bars.

Careful: when all the colors mix it's just gray. (I once put Smarties in a whipped cream layer of a cake. It came out opposite of what I had in mind.)

Lol. Years ago I was joking that I was surprised fruit loops hadn't been targeted yet. Clearly with the name and rainbow of colors they support..... love and freedom. Can't be having that hahaha.

Oh no. Now what will all their grown, adult children eat for breakfast?

Of course they would do that. So many boycotts from them.

Conservatives ARE fruit loops!

Immigrants, transgender people, vaccines, voting machines, feminists, clothing with rainbows, and children's books are among the things that frighten and anger conservatives.

Hard to imagine being such a coward that you fear breakfast cereal.