Ok, I'll sit on the second sofa

Kokesh@lemmy.world to aww@lemmy.world – 256 points –

Clearly that is their sofa, not yours. 😜

Their sofa is every sofa we have (3). And our bed. We actually have two rattan chairs with pillows for them by our table. While we sit on wooden chairs ourselves.

All dogs should have their own comfy seats. And the rest of us make do as best we can. :-)

Mine do that too.

We have an ottoman pushed up by the window in front of the house, with a towel laid across it. That is Arlo's "spot" (as distinct from his "place").

Another dog-couch-related thing is a game called "No Bones On The Couch." Arlo gets on a couch with a bone and looks at us, then we say "No bones on the couch!" and try to take it away. Then he grabs it with a playful growl and runs away to a couch in the other room. Lather, rinse, repeat.