Britain's Sunak cancels meeting with Greek PM in row over Parthenon sculptures

Lee to World – 52 points –
Britain's Sunak cancels meeting with Greek PM in row over Parthenon sculptures

I think it's hilarious that the British want to loan the Greeks their own historical monuments. They want equivalent collateral. The Greek should just confiscate the next British ship in port and put it in a museum. Maybe make a museum of confiscated British ships.

Greece asking about stolen property so the British PM chickens out of the meeting.

If the greeks would have just asked more nicely the brits would have returned them ages ago /s

I think it would be fair for many countries to send special ops to recover their cultural patrimony from british museums.

Would make a good movie too, with a giant Spiderman points at Spiderman scene where a bunch of dudes from different nations with a tenuous grasp about what exactly they are supposed to recover have a hushed standoff to figure it out before security shows up

with that script it would probably have to be a bit goofy (not a bad thing). i would watch it.

Just had this mental image of a combat swimmer that crawled out of the sewer arguing with Rambo who got through the ventilation if that statue is southern or northern Macedonian style and what period.

There might have been an argument in the past about the UK being in a better place to take care of them. I'm not really sure on that.

But the new Acropolis/Parthenon museum Athens has (it opened in in 2009^[1]^) is awesome and would make a perfect home for the marbles.
