OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 -> Tumbleweed conversion to – 28 points –

Thinking of trying to morph my Leap workstation into Tumbleweed (and potentially Slowroll once that project matures enough). I've seen that you can do it . I reckon I can rollback relatively easily via the BTRFS snapshots if it goes sideways, but just curious to see what others' experience with doing so has been.


Tumbleweed for over 10 years, if you know how to roll back with snapper there is nothing to lose.

While transition to Thumbleweed can go smooth if you are lucky enugh, switch from Thumbleweed to Slowroll can be problematic. It will envolve downgrading packages that is usually not tested at all. Better switch from Leap to Slowroll directly.

Slowroll seems just as mature as TW? Just update, upgrade, change repos, upgrade?

It's only been around for less than a year as far as I'm aware and from what I gather still seems to be finding its sea legs as far as balancing between what rolls in immediately(ish) and what comes in through the big "tumbles"

I guess with the BTRFS snapshots there is no reason to not use TW. But Slowroll really sounds like a Distro that makes sense

Why not moving to microos? I've moved to fedora silverblue from fedora and it's been a well rewarding journey. I see no big difference to microos

I tried microOS once, either podman or distrobox are completely broken on it

How is opensuse with Codecs? I am on Fedora Kinoite from ublue, currently experimenting with secureblue, which is security hardened.

Fedoras immutable Distros have a good ecosystem around them already.

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Don't do it. Instead of doing something useful you will be in a constant process of updating and rebooting and dealing with breaking changes and eventually you will give up and switch back to Leap.

I have used TW for years, and never got bothered by a breaking change for more than a day. And that only happened twice.

The only thing that keeps bothering me with Opensuse is their obsession with asking for a root password (and not for yours if you are an administrator, I mean the root user password) for every damn thing. Even installing a fucking user Flatpak requires a fucking root password !

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Have you even tried to do it? You don't sound like it.

I've done the Leap -> TW switch three years ago and I'm updating once a month (or maybe once every two months for a while) and never got any breakage.

Sounds like slowroll to me, you should switch and enable autoupdates

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