What's a seemingly harmless habit of yours that you struggle to break?

mayflower@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 41 points –

Just… being lazy. Like, the clothes are washed and dried, but they stay in the basket and never get put up. I put chores off a lot. There’s a certain anxiety I have about stuff, like I’m worried it’ll take forever or take a lot of effort. It never does, and it always works out better, but that anxiety stops me every time.

As a teenager I ironically started saying "howdy" as a greeting. It's now decades later and I still can't break the habit.

I am in no way from the US, let alone parts of it that would say howdy on a regular basis.

You should merge your thing with the guy repeating stuff to his wife's chagrin.

Howdy, howdy, howdy

I've started saying everything multiple times like Johnny Two-Times in Goodfellas and it's driving my wife nuts nuts nuts.

It can't be harmless, but I bang my teeth together in delicate and particular ways to simulate playing drums and I'd really like to not do that no mo.

I crack literally every knuckle in my fingers. I crack my wrists, elbows, neck (that one actually has caused issues), and can even crack my toes and knees sometimes.

I really really want to stop, but as soon as I feel that pressure in my joints, I just have to pop it.

I’m just really bad at forming habits. I know what I need to do, I can come up with routines or ways to do it, maybe even do it for a couple of days. But I just can’t seem to ever get habits I want to form to last for any length of time.

Every task requires my full activation energy to achieve, I can't get into and hold habits where I'm already primed for it. It sucks.

Counting my toe flicks. I would flick my big toe and index toe up and down, alternating between left foot and right foot, while counting how many times I have flipped. I don't do it for a long time, mostly up until 20 to 40 counts. May be it's some kind of coping mechanism that I used to do when I was young but it somehow stucked.