How to get cigarette smell out of my apartment? to Do It – 26 points –

So my roommate is a habitual cigarette smoker. He doesn't smoke indoors (thankfully) but he does smoke about every other night outdoors. I don't think he realizes that when he's done smoking the smell sort of... lingers on him and his clothes. Last night after he was done he was in the kitchen for a bit cooking. I came in this morning to make a sandwich and the smell was all over the kitchen and very pungent, it made me think some food was rotting. This kind of thing happens probably once a week, and while I'm kind of used to it by now I do want to have people over and have them actually be comfortable.

Apart from asking him to quit (I doubt it) is there any sort of concotion or thing I can make / spray / sanitize to get rid of the smell? Some days it's nonexistent but other days it's almost unbearable.


An air purifier is never a bad idea in any home, pulls a lot of dust and shit out of the air.

The only really effective thing is ozone, as has already been posted, though an ozone generator in the living quarters comes with its own gotchas such as ozone being corrosive and harmful to your respiratory system.

Apart from that, we used to get the smell out of hair and clothes with a hairdryer set to hot. I'm not sure how you could apply that knowledge to an entire room, but there's probably no harm in trying.

Having said that, if your roommate carries such a strong smell, does he really smoke outside, or does he just sorta-kinda stand in the half-open doorway and call this outside?

ozone being corrosive and harmful to your respiratory system.

Unlike cigarette smoke.

Yes, but the ozone is supposed to just get the smell out. Hopefully no one thinks it'd be fun to smoke next to an ozone generator.

Tell him to get a smoking jacket

If by smoking jacket you mean a space suit that he can smoke inside, then I agree with you.

A smoking jacket is a jacket you wear while smoking, so that the smell sticks to it, instead of the rest of your clothes. It was common back when smoking was cool and not something for losers

I get that, but smoke being a vapor, is not subject to the whims of fabric. For the same reason we don't make balloons out of smoking jackets.

Smoke is mostly particulates, I think, and most of it will absolutely stick to the jacket and spare the clothing below.

Smoking jackets are usually leather, aren't they? To "look cool" and it's mostly non-porous.

My history teacher in high school had one. He never smelled like cigarettes.

Start smoking too so it doesnt bother you /j

But actually, if it got in any soft materials like couches they will still hold a smell. Not sure if it can happen even if its just from his clothes after hes already smoked. Other than that, ozone as others have suggested.

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Ozium will clear it out. You can get a can at Walmart or most grocery stores.

But be careful I heard that stuff is super toxic.

Well you're not supposed to spray the room hazy and just stand there huffing it. Just a quick 'pshhht' and leave for a couple minutes. When you come back the space doesn't stink.

I would start by discussing with him. Taking a shower after smoking would eliminate the smell, and in a pinch a quick spray down with scentless Lysol would help. Treating the cause is far easier. If the smell seeps into the walls you can kiss goodbye to your security deposit.

As a smoker i would say that thats pretty unrealistic. Most smokers smoke at least 10 cigarettes a day, he would basically be pendeling between outside and bathroom. I would maybe rather suggest something like a smoking-jacket (or better a coat) that he puts on before smoking which doesnt enter the house besides for washing

I was responding to the way OP depicted his smoking as "every other day at night". If they had just said their roommate smoked I would have interpreted it like you present it. Designated clothes are a good idea though. Scentless lysol works but for a chain smoker is going to burn a hole in the pocket.

Ahh skipped that part somehow. My bad

No worries, you're probably closer to the truth of it anyway, I've only ever been a social smoker.

My ex and I were pack-a-day smokers (out on the porch every 45 minutes to an hour, depending on activity). First hole in new pajamas was a rite of passage. Sometimes took a few months, but it always happened.

The only thing that really works for smells like this are O3 (ozone) generators. You can search online and find them. Smaller ones are relatively inexpensive.

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