this feeling rules to – 297 points –

You think is bullshit before you try it, but this how you see everything when you are in the peak of an lsd trip.

Also this doesn't have to be drug related. Making the effort to observe your thoughts is a cool therapy technique

But if you want your inner monologue to generate complex geometric multicoloured visuals, you're gonna need some acid.

I guess I've been able to depersonalize and observe my own thoughts since I was a kid, so whenever people describe these experiences, I just don't get it. It's normal for me to detach from my own identity and experience, so I don't understand how people find it so alien. There are various levels to it for me, so I would guess that others just don't enter the somewhat shallow levels I normally swim through. I dive deep sometimes, but other people probably plunge deeper than I do with much less experience.

I experienced that recently, and it was pretty wild

Okay, you made it, now try to stop. You can't right? That's cuz fuck you, that's why. That's what you get for diverging from the mainstream.