The latest mini I painted for my DnD group, it a homebrew creature called a Kipine to – 66 points –

Source for the stats (Not mine)

Source for the model (Also not mine)

I painted it using a some Army Painter Speed paints, some Vallejo Paints, Apple barrel craft paint, and Rust-Oleum primer.

It's not the best I've done but I'm still happy with how it came out.

EDIT: After some digging I was able to find the original art that was used for the stat block. Link


That's awesome!

The only two homebrew creatures I have are El Pollo Diablo (for an April Fools session) and the Turkeybear, for my Thanksgiving session.

Omg these sound hilarious - do you have any art you could share, maybe as a post?

Thank you!

No, I didn't draw them up, but now that you mention it I probably should. They're very holiday themed.

El Pollo Diablo - Looks like a chicken with a flame aura. Invulnerable except to laugh-based magic (Vicious Mockery, Wounding Whispers, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, etc.) or can be killed via elaborate practical jokes. Wields high level charm magic and powerful fire attacks. (Hence the name)

Turkeybear - Very similar to the owlbear except fatter and with much more indulgent plumage. Attacks with "gravy" (poison spit/breath weapons), sonic attacks, and heralds its presence with the dread cry "Gawwwww-buuuuullll!". I made him resistant to magical weapons and most slashing attacks, though coincidentally, is weak against cleavers specifically.

It looks scary. Cool!

Did you print it at home? The colors fit quite well.

I printed it using my resin printer, the print came out quite nice this time

Usually I print minis 2 at a time on my resin printer because they don't take more time with more minis plus it allows me to test colors on a model before picking final colors

This looks incredible, I wish I had creativity like this.

Hey, use whatever creativity you've got and it'll grow. I'm sure this isn't OP's first try.

Everybody starts somewhere, and trust me this isn't my first mini I painted. Or even the first thing I've painted.

We all start at the same place, a place of no experience or understanding

Everyday is a learning opportunity, it's up to you whether you seize it or not

It's never too late to start, hell Van Gogh didn't start painting until he was 27

Flex those creative muscles and you'll improve

Looks like something out of Monster Hunter.

Something that could make you good evasion armor if you farm like a hundred of it.