Aside from Trump or Biden, Who do you wanna see as the President of the United States of America? to Moving to: m/AskMbin! – 10 points –

Personality i would pick Bernie Sanders but he's unfortunately too old now but i would love a President that isn't crazy enough and would focus on just getting the Nation healed from the Craziness that happened.


Jon Stewart.

I was actually thinking about Jon Stewart earlier today. I'd probably vote for him: he's an intelligent, empathetic and charismatic guy, doesn't want to be in power and has done more good for Americans than a huge chunk of professional politicians in this country of ours.

Jon Stewart seems like a stand up guy.

At 2020 debates I rooted for Elizabeth Warren. I live on the other side of the world and know nothing about american politics, but still think she would've been great president.

Andy Beshear, the governor of Kentucky. The way he handled the pandemic in KY felt like a kind of leadership we haven't seen in many decades.

Whoever doesn't want the job. Seriously, if you WANT the job, you should immediately be disqualified.

Would be nice to see someone:

  1. Who is not part of, or connected to the U.S political ruling family elites
  2. Who has actual political program with solutions that extend beyond debate soundbites
  3. Who is not a celebrity, TV/Movie star
  4. Who is not older than 60.
3 more...

Andrew Yang had me more interested in political activity than I've ever been before.

Unfortunately he's devolved quite a bit over the last few years, but his concerns around AI have certainly come to fruition recently.

For what it's worth, Cornel West just turned 70, has views similar to Bernie Sanders, and is running for the Green Party nomination.

However, the media tends to marginalize third-party candidates.

Steve Schmidt. He has a long history as a conservative strategist which is a huge red flag for me, but I think it would actually make him more palatable to right-wingers. I watch his show 'The Warning' and he makes a lot of sense with his positions. He is extremely clear in his criticisms of Trump, but he also doesn't focus on culture war nonsense. I'm willing to compromise as long as the person can think straight and face reality, which is seemingly an extremely high bar now.

Nobody. No matter who the president is, they never hold their promises and the real leaders are the oligarchies that pays both democrats and republicans. So no matters who becomes president, it's never a win for the citizens.

They keep promising things that require congressional support. But the problem is if they didn't make those kinds of promises, the other guy would and voters would reward that. It's pretty fucked.