Is PC Dead Space and Jedi Survivor abandoned by EA? to – 25 points –

The stutter issues in Dead Space and bugs in JS. They are basically unplayable on PC right?


It does not look like Dead Space is getting any more patches. However in my recent (last month) experience it was very much playable from start to finish with very good performance on my PC (i9 10850K / RTX 3080). I guess your mileage may vary.

I do not know about Jedi Survivor yet, because I am waiting for it to come to EA Play. Last patch was in October so it looks like it is still maintained. Recent Steam reviews do still mention technical issues though.

What fps and resolution were you getting to meet the playable criteria?

1440p with High graphics presets and DLSS Quality overall stayed in the 80-120 FPS range.

Same. I have a very beefy PC, but it wasn't a huge problem to play through, and some of the visual issues it launched with did get fixed in patches. Doesn't mean everybody will have the same experience, and I did struggle to get a comfortable experience on PC handhelds, but the game is very playable for me.

Dead Space the remake? I've played through it recently and haven't noticed any issues. My framerate was pretty smooth.

star wars runs shockingly well on my setup

What is your setup?

GTX Titan X 12gb, Intel I-5 6500 3.2ghz, 16 gigs of RAM. It's a low end setup but I can get a stable 30-40 frames in most areas, some dips but it's more than playable.

Dead Space is playable, but still with small gripes. Last I checked it still hitches when you walk through certain doorways that transition to new areas. It’s rare for it to happen in a fight, and is mostly a nuisance. Otherwise it’s pretty fucking great, and it’s a real shame that they made such a great remaster and didn’t polish that one thing.

Jedi Survivor's performance issues are annoying but I wouldn't call it "unplayable" by any stretch. It depends on how you define it. My definition of that would be either "literally doesn't launch / hard crashes consistently" or "massively fluctuating frametime on appropriate hardware and settings that makes the intended gameplay too difficult to enjoy".

In my experience, it's mostly traversal stutter and TAA ghosting at low frames in the giant hub level which you don't really get during actual combat. I also partially inflicted that on myself by choosing to play on max settings with RT and no FSR. I use a R5 3600, RX 7900XT and 32GB Ram.

Obviously, your mileage and personal tolerances will vary. Definitely consider the refund window and use the big city vistas of the first area to judge if you'll enjoy it at that performance / quality level you choose. The art direction is really good so I think it will hold up on lower settings.

Didn't Jedi Survivor get an update to add DLSS recently?

I don't own Dead Space, but I've sunk quite a bit of time on the PC port of Jedi Survivor and while it is "playable", there's still a ton of stutters everywhere, especially traversing across Koboh.