Christmas rule to – 434 points –

Granted it doesn't make me fail whamageddon, but fuck you anyways for getting this song stuck in my head

In Germany they pronounce Huawei as literally Hua Wai

How do you think they pronounce it everywhere else? Where I live it's the same

It doesn't depend on locality as much as it does on advertising.

In the UK its either pronounced "wawhey" or "that Chinese company" depending on speaker.

Exactly. There's a massive difference between "wawhey" and "Hua Wai". I was shocked when i first heard that it was supposed to be pronounced the first way

can someone fill in the words? I only got Samsung: something

Last christmas I gave [ya ma heart] but the very next day, you gave it [away]. This year, ??? from tears, I'll give it to [someone] special.

thanks. I'm not a native English speaker and don't exactly pronounce those names like that so was very confused.