Donald Trump May Have Won Iowa—but He Just Lost a Slew of Lawyers to politics – 178 points –
Donald Trump May Have Won Iowa—but He Just Lost a Slew of Lawyers

I’m actually surprised he was able to find lawyers in the first place.

I’ve legitimately lost track of how many of his lawyers have been disbarred, fined stupid amounts of money, or pled guilty to felonies. I kept track for a while, but there are just too many.

Any lawyer accepting his cases at this point must be assumed to be dumber than potted light bulbs or under duress.

Or they're in on the grift, somehow. Crooked lawyers, while likely rare, do still exist, as evidenced by the common names that have helped the likes of Alex Jones, Trump, etc. The rest are the greenhorns too naive to know that their career is effectively over, because they're not getting paid and they'll have lost the most important cases for their demigod.

Or they're in on the grift, somehow.

Thus the felony pleadings. I include those in ‘dumber than a box of hair’.

Is it just the lighting, or did they photoshop in the extra orange on him? I know he is orange, but that picture has him hilariously cheetoh-flavored orange.

He looks like he's throwing a Heil over a zoom call with a blurry background.

Probably just flagging down someone or his car. Almost every New Yorker would be guilty of doing this otherwise. 

It looks like he might be standing under some kind of very yellow/orange light.

In front of entrances for high end NYC hotels, they have awnings (roof?) That has light bulb looking heating elements so when people are waiting for a cab or car during winter the guests don't freeze. They had an orange tint to them so that's probably it.

Not only is he extra orange He's holding his hand out your general direction and it looks way tinier then it should even for his tiny hands.

It must be the lighting or photoshop, because he’s not a good enough MUA to have considered the palms of his hands.

He didn't "win" shit, this was always going to be a make-believe contest

Yeah, 50,000 of the most zealous R's in Iowa voted for him And about the same amount wished for pretty much anyone else. Hardly a ringing endorsement.

OH NO! I have lost all of my lawyers! Judge, it would be unfair if I went into my federally pardonable trial right now without representation! Could you please delay the trial AGAIN until after November so that I can find more suckers- I mean lawyers to defend me?

Again? Isn't this already like his 8th string team now?

Trump “has the most experienced, qualified, disciplined, and overall strongest legal team ever assembled,” according to his spokesman.

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