Jurassic Park! Scientists dig up new species of Pterosaur

██████████@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 73 points –
Scientists from China and Brazil uncover new species of pterosaur

The discovery of a new species of pterosaurs, the airborne cousins of dinosaurs, is shedding fresh light on these ancient flying creatures. The finding is the result of the successful two-decade collaboration between Chinese and Brazilian scientists. Lucrecia Franco, in Rio de Janeiro, has the story.


Sometimes I forget that we’re living in a very boring time. Imagine having shit like this in the skies, and worse on land. My biggest worry is my mortgage, not being picked off by murder pigeons as I try foraging for food. We live in luxury, compared to much of the fossil record.

Wish it was an article. I’m not watching a video about it.

Especially not one you can hardly hear because of the obnoxious sound effects of screeches and insect noises.

The Godfather Part II ! Oh that's a nice report.

Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo! Solid comment.

Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol. Four comment levels in, Citizens of Lemmy made a spicy comment thread.

We found a coxis bone, but here's a hyper realistic image of how this new dinosaur beak looked like on a Wednesday afternoon.