Democrats mull 'protecting' Republican House Speaker to secure Ukraine aid to politics – 52 points –
Politico: Democrats mull 'protecting' Republican House Speaker to secure Ukraine aid

I hope they make him pass what they want first. No one should ever trust a Republican to keep their word.

I remember when Democrats ended a shutdown because they got a promise from Mitch McConnell that he would let a vote on DACA come to the floor.

Of course he didn't. Of course they knew he wouldn't.

The vote to vacate a speaker can happen pretty easily, so as long as the Freedom Caucus and company still want him out, he's not safe. He could drag it out maybe but that's about it.

I hate Mike Johnson and would love to see him humiliated and eventually voted out of political life altogether, but promising to support his speakership in exchange for a clean Ukraine aid bill with none of their plans to restrict asylum and immigration would be a great trade

That's the process. Signaling. If Moses comes through with enough, Democrats will save him - otherwise, it's the highway for him.

Wait a second, I could have swore that he was 'ordained' by god to be the speaker, did god get all he wanted out of him. Or why would good god fearing house members even be broaching this subject??

Whe something happens he wants it's god, everything else is the devil's work.. get with the program :)

you right, I am sorry I didnt keep up on all the talking points.

Why do I suspect the plan they're 'mulling' is "We protect him, and in exchange, he cuts down Ukrainian aid to the bone and passes a bill that's weaker than piss"?