reddit on linkedin is laughable, either they know they ate failing as a platform and are hiding it or they have deluded themselves to – 102 points –



Funny how Steve never talks about how he could make Reddit better for users, only advertisers

He couldn't "make" anything himself. The programming of (early) Reddit was almost entire done by Aaron Schwarz. Huffman is still lapping up the proceeds from what his former friend (?) created, he himself did jack shit except sit in a high chair and command people.

Product/project management is different than being a coder

"First, [a platform] is good to its users, then, it abuses its users to make things better for its business customers; finally, it abuses those business customers to claw back all the value for itself. Then, it dies."

--Cory Doctorow, speaking at DEFCON31, defining a new term he had coined: enshittification

(The talk is a bit long, but well worth a watch)

There's something very wrong with that skin suit full of spiders man

I still can’t get over the way he looks like what AI or central casting might come up with if you ask for generic douchebag tech CEO.

Everything on LinkedIn is laughable... that entire site is built to suck corporate cock and it's so transparently vapid and full of bullshit that I hate having to ever use it. But getting hired in the white collar space is significantly more difficult without a decent LinkedIn profile, so there I have to stay...