Avian flu is devastating farms in California's 'Egg Basket' as outbreaks roil poultry industry

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 127 points –
Avian flu is devastating farms in California's 'Egg Basket' as outbreaks roil poultry industry

Last month, Mike Weber got the news every poultry farmer fears: His chickens tested positive for avian flu.

Following government rules, Weber’s company, Sunrise Farms, had to slaughter its entire flock of egg-laying hens — 550,000 birds — to prevent the disease from infecting other farms in Sonoma County north of San Francisco.

“It’s a trauma. We’re all going through grief as a result of it,” said Weber, standing in an empty hen house. “Petaluma is known as the Egg Basket of the World. It’s devastating to see that egg basket go up in flames.”

A year after the bird flu led to record egg prices and widespread shortages, the disease known as highly pathogenic avian influenza is wreaking havoc in California, which escaped the earlier wave of outbreaks that devastated poultry farms in the Midwest.


Good thing they lied about the avian flu for 5 years and artificially raised costs for no reasons and took a bunch of profits from the pockets of struggling people so they'd be ready for when the actual avian flu hit.

“It’s a trauma. We’re all going through grief as a result of it,” said Weber, standing in an empty hen house.

It’s much better when it’s filled with cries of unimaginable horror.

We probably should just switch to mung beans before these industries cultivate a bird flu pandemic.

Very nutritious, but they smell like death.

... yeah, we gotta make a good smelling cultivar of mung beans somehow. But! They're fine once processed and cooked, so it's not so bad.

just another reason to be vegan, the next pandemic will almost certainly arise from these wholly unnatural conditions.

We’re all going through grief as a result of [the chickens having to be slaughtered?]

Maybe don’t raise animals for slaughter if you don’t want to slaughter them idk?