Biden-Harris Admin: Nearly $72 Million in Largest Single Investment to Support America’s Hydropower Facilities to – 83 points –
Biden-Harris Admin: Nearly $72 Million in Largest Single Investment to Support America’s Hydropower Facilities - CleanTechnica

More handouts for rich people? Sure does sound like it, when there's no incentive to lower power costs once those facilities are more efficient. So rich people get money to improve their capital investments while poor people are left to starve. Thanks Dark Brandon!

Are you a climate change denier or one of these that wants it to happen?

Hydro is a fantastic power source and a vital part of the transition from fossil fuels. If you look at the list of selected projects they're all pretty decent and benefit local economies as well as the national energy strategy.

Yes it would be nice if Biden could wave a magic wand and change America into a socialist utopia but the reality is he has to work in the system that exists and which a disappointing majority continue to want to exist.

How dare power companies get paid to transition away from fossil fuels without even demanding they reduce costs! If we can't keep energy dirt cheap by burning fossil fuels, we don't deserve to survive as a species!

We can just do both? Look at Norway's hydropower strategy: the government owns and operates most of it, and they tax private hydropower. That's significantly better than handouts. There are valid critiques of what the Dems are doing, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take the small victories we can (like this) nor does it mean republicans aren't worse (they'll just do even worse handouts to the rich).

But that isn't doing both. This is subsidizing private hydropower. Taxing someone you just subsidized doesn't make much sense.

I was wondering how this could turned into "they're worse than Republicans". Thanks for answering that.