Microsoft Says VS Code Will Work With Ubuntu 18.04 to – 81 points –
Microsoft Says VS Code Will Work With Ubuntu 18.04 » Linux Magazine

Which "E" is this?


Vscode remote ssh is clever, to be clear, and in many cases is ideal. But it seems to me that they really need to ship an out-of-the-box extension that does edit over sftp with local caching as a fallback option. Notepad++ does this and it's great.

I know that there are a bunch of 3rd party extensions that seem to do this but most seem a little bit janky as you dig in to it. This needs to be an official Microsoft extension.

In general, I don't want my IDE running or depositing anything on my servers that I haven't explicitly asked for, especially if a main goal is to simply edit config files easily via a familiar editor application. Basically a 'leave no trace' philosophy (for the sake of predictability, consistency and control, not for any nefarious reasons).

(that said, remote ssh with vscode server is fantastic - but only when I actually want it).

Have to second this, I love Vscode over ssh but don't really want to use it on a machine I don't own personally because of it installing itsself everywhere you go. Fortunately sshfs and neovim exist

Thank you - next on list was trying to find an appropriate package in neovim to do this. (I was never in doubt that something existed - I mean, even midnight commander has this built in!)

20 more...

I feel very strange hating Windows, so I use Linux, but loving VS Code, so I use that on Linux. I feel like a hypocrite or something.

But the integration with platformio, github copilot, and all the plugins and customization are just too nice. It's a one-stop shop for everything dev-related. It's the only thing I need to run when programming along with a web browser for research.

Use VScodium

I know VScodium doesn’t have the telemetry but is it lacking features regarding account login and extensions?

Some extensions don’t work but many do, you just have to download the extension files from the marketplace website and tell VCCodium to install the extensions from those files.

If there's a way to get SSH working to edit files on other machines, I couldn't find it.

VSCode is pretty good, but honestly most of these advanced text editors are more or less interchangeable to me, especially with LSP and DAP making language servers and debugger integration editor-independent. I don't really feel strongly about any of them, in spite of the fact that as a comp sci student it's the type of software I spend the most time using. I personally use Kate the most, since it's lighter and integrates better with KDE. On my Steam Deck I use VSCodium for quick edits, because it works better in gaming mode. It's basically what (Ungoogled) Chromium is to Chrome, but for VSCode. For exams at school I use plain old VSCode since obviously I can't install Kate or VSCodium in exam sessions. The experience is all things considered pretty similar for all of these. I guess there just aren't a billion ways to design a powerful text editor with built-in debugger, terminal, file manager and kitchen sink. We've gotten the formula down by now.

I feel pretty much the same way about web browsers. On desktop at least, they're all nearly functionally identical, just that some of them have built-in functionality you have to use extensions to get in others. On mobile Firefox all the way of course, because it's the only one with extensions.

Use whatever you like :) I tried VSCode at work for a few months but it felt quite lacking when working with larger C++ projects. Switched to CLion instead and it felt like it was faster, understood C++ much better, and made it easier to work in multiple files simultaneously. But I could see myseslf using VSCode for some small hobby project, especially if it's C#

Why would it not work? I use neovim.

Ubuntu 18.04 is end-of-life since Spring 2023. VS Code is going to require a newer version of glibc than Ubuntu 18.04 comes with. One does not simply upgrade glibc.

This new requirement was announced 6 months in advance, but no one reads the changelog, and enough companies still use Ubuntu 18.04 (hopefully while paying for the Extended Security Maintenance), so many people were surprised and unhappy when their VS Code stopped working for remote development over ssh on Ubuntu 18.04 servers. VS Code installs and runs stuff such as language servers on the remote machine.

VS Code is going to require a newer version of glibc than Ubuntu 18.04 comes with. One does not simply upgrade glibc.

One might have an application-private newer build of glibc and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory containing it prior to launching VS Code.