US threatens to veto new Gaza ceasefire resolution at UN Security Council

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US threatens to veto new Gaza ceasefire resolution at UN Security Council | CNN

“Over the last week, President Biden has had multiple calls with Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as the leaders of Egypt and Qatar, to push this deal forward. Though gaps remain, the key elements are on the table,” the ambassador said.

I don't believe we know exactly what's been said in those calls, but we do know that Netanyahu has been publicly telling Biden that he's not going to budge...

In her statement Saturday, Thomas-Greenfield called on the UN Security Council to instead ensure “any action we take in the coming days increases pressure on Hamas to accept the proposal on the table”

Ah, so really, the goal is to make Hamas fold, not to make Netanyahu be reasonable. Got it.

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Were fucking doomed. Someone has been playing 4 dimensional chess planning for this shit to take down Joe Biden. Maybe I'm paranoid, but at this point, seriously?!

There was a conspiracy theory back in October that Putin was behind it, with the goal of drawing US military aid and general sentiment away from Ukraine. If that ended up being the case, and he got this as a free bonus, I'd feel pretty disgusted with all of us.

It's not an unreasonable theory. He is former KGB/GRU if I'm not mistaken.

The amount of dipshit comments you see on Lemmy, "Hurr Durr Putin is so stoopid"

Fuck me, that guy might be insane, but he's vastly cleverer than any daft propaganda-swallowing numpty on the internet

You don't work your way up through KGB and GRU to become the president of a country if you eat fuckin crayons for breakfast 😂

Take THAT Netanyahu! If you don't stop murdering innocent men women and children the US will VETO a Ceasefire Resolution that would require you to STOP murdering these innocent people! Take THAT!

The United Nations collectively minus the US: "The situation in Gaza is fucked and Israel needs to de escalate so innocent Palestinians can survive."

The US: "Well we have specialized interests here and if we can't have our way I guess a few more innocent Palestinians will have to die."

I wonder if anyone is going to suggest hostages be released before this ceasefire takes place.

Pretty sure Israel has killed them all at this point

How many babies do you think it will take? Are you willing to do the killing?

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