Supreme Court Seems Ready to Block a Biden Plan on Air Pollution to – 144 points –
Supreme Court Seems Ready to Block a Biden Plan on Air Pollution

Several conservative justices were skeptical of the administration’s “good neighbor” rule on cross-state pollution, meant to protect downwind states from harmful emissions.

Members of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority seemed inclined on Wednesday to again limit the Biden administration’s ability to protect the environment by temporarily stopping an effort by the Environmental Protection Agency to curtail air pollution that drifts across state lines.

Such a decision, expected by June, would be in keeping with recent rulings by the court, which has chipped away at the agency’s authority to address climate change and water pollution.

The new cases concerned the administration’s “good neighbor” plan. Under the proposal, which initially applied to 23 states, factories and power plants in Western and Midwestern states must cut ozone pollution that drifts into Eastern states.

The justices appeared to be divided along familiar lines on whether to block the plan, which directs states to take measures meant to reduce emissions that cause smog and are linked to asthma, lung disease and premature death.

Non-paywall link


Why is it that the only rights conservatives ever want to protect involve being an asshole?

Because they tend to be assholes

In the case of Thomas, they are assholes being bribed by assholes.

I assume the same is true for the rest of the conservatives, he just happens to be the one that was caught.

In Thomas's case, he set out to he an asshole from the start. That other assholes were willing to pay him for his trouble is just gravy.

I am guessing you saw Sunday's Last Week Tonight as well? Absolutely right. Harlan Crow and the others aren't telling him how to vote. They know he'll reliably vote in their favor. They're telling him not to retire.

I read some fringe piece some years ago about Justice "Uncle" Thomas and how he was radicalized in college, only to later seek a Supreme Court seat where he would exact some sort of revenge for the topic of his radicalism. Also, how he's angry about being dragged over Anita Hill in his confirmation hearings.

Like I said, fringe piece. It all reads like retcon to me but then, again, look at his rulings.

edit: I don't care what keyboard says, i said r e t c o n

To quote Jon Stewart on Monday... "I know I've said this before, but you're such a dick." He was specifically talking about Tucker Carlson, but you can apply it to any conservative and it's accurate.

In all seriousness, because conservatives lack the ability to understand that playing nice and not being an asshole is actually how you avoid needing a bunch of increasingly complex regulations in the first place

Ah. Put factory at Illinois border, let wind blow pollution into Indiana. No pesky problems with being unable to beat Illinois emissions regulations, Indiana can't do shit. Some people are going to get rich. A lot more are going to die.

If the wind shifts turn off the plant for a while, wouldn't want to be regulated in the state you're in.

Genius idea: Put the plant across the state line. Turn on different smokestacks depending on which way the wind is blowing!