Moving to new platforms/3rd party apps has made me realise everyone else has something against collapsing child comments. to Mildly – 159 points –

I miss you RIF. I just wanna see the daddy comments.


Wefwef supports this. It's quite nice.

Yes!!! I've just installed and found the option in the settings. Thank you, thank you!!!

Cool - I'll try that one. Thanks!

I have been using jerboa almost exclusively. It seems to have support for that since I joined 3 or so weeks ago

Jerboa has it, only problem now is it started crashing randomly :(

I think most Lemmy clients right now are in Alpha stages. I'm not surprised I'm constantly getting errors, crashes etc.

I think Lemmy not having it's probably due to the fact that there was always so few comments on post, it wasn't really necessarily. There are a bunch of apps in development from Redditch 3rd party developers that had it

That's a very good point! I've no doubt it'll be a feature on a future app or update.

WefWef is by far the best so far. But god knows I miss my content filters :(


I really enjoy the form factor of wefwef though. It feels like it packs a lot of functionality into a small amount of space.

You mean automatically? Because there are some apps that hide the children comments but let the parent one already.

"hide all child comments" was a much beloved feature on BaconReader, at least for me.

I also preferred the card view of content, and that all read content would get hidden.

But this is something new, so I'm trying not to compare them directly - I don't really want Lemmy to just be new Reddit, but something new.

Connect for Lemmy has comment collapsing

I could only get it to collapse clicking one by one, not as default :/ Downloaded WefWef now as suggested by someone else... The infuriation has gone from mild to trace amounts.

In the few weeks I’ve been trying some apps, the devs have added so much. It’s only going to get better. The apps are still in TestFlight.

Definitely essential. I'm on Connect for Lemmy, it does it. Jerboa did too but that app started to get a bit broken in a recent update and I moved on. Liking this one better. I hear wefwef mentioned a lot though I couldn't see on f-droid or even the play store. Are people just downloading an APK?

Agreed. It seems like such a basic feature. I’m missing it on kbin

I don't like comment collapsing at all, and was really annoyed that Infinity on Reddit didn't have an option to disable it, as I'd keep accidentally collapsing comments and not noticing due to the lack of any visual indicator that there was collapsed comments, but I can appreciate that some people might want it.

I think that’s more an issue of design. Apollo made it pretty clear there were collapsed comments.