Rule 🚽

Scroll to – 392 points –

I can’t wait to wear my Apple Vision Pro while puking my brains out.

Can’t wait for stereoscopic POV shot for an accurate depth perception of the projectile spray !

P.s. How’d you stash away 3500 already. Oh yeah, ain’t nothing but the cost of half a months rent in 2024

How is that the "true zen state" when I vomit I feel like the most miserable being on the universe

physical suffering can make the present hard to ignore and self compassion easy to find

Nah this is false. Ya'll should try doing a heavy barbell squat or deadlift.

Yeah but I’m probably listening to a book

You can't possibly listen to a book while doing a heavy barbell squat

I mean you could hear the words or whatever audio is coming out - but in the moment of lifting you'll be focused on not allowing the weight to crush your body and instead to lift it and control it because you're such a animal beast like creature who's sole focus is to engorge your muscles with blood and lift heavy objects.