World's Largest Psych Association Passes Policy Supporting Trans Youth Care By Massive Margin to – 340 points –
World's Largest Psych Association Passes Policy Supporting Trans Youth Care By Massive Margin

The problem is the type of ppl who don't support Trans rights won't change their mind because MR SCIENTIST said they are wrong

Mr scientist also said the earth is warming but I’m still seeing snow on my lawn.

You show me where in the bible it says hormone treatments are allowed by Jesus! Give me the hyperlink on your electronic device!

Jesus explicitly took food and copied it until everybody had enough fish and bread.

And now the forces of Satan say you wouldn’t download fish and bread?

Torrenting is literally holy work.

Hyperlinks are a liberal psy-op. I'll only click regular links.

Are you mad? Anti-woke champion Musk is building the hyper loop so clearly hyper links are anti woke as well!

Hyperlinks? Sounds like yer computin' device has some of that ay-dee-eych-dee, better git it some of that ridalin and focalin

And this is why the promotion of pseudoscience or magical thinking is incredibly dangerous. Astrology (for example) may seem like harmless fun, but the lack of critical thinking involved in believing it seeps into other aspects of your beliefs and worldview.

Now we have a population of people full-on addicted to technology created by the same scientists who have been ringing alarm bells for decades. They'll unironically tell you that they believe the Earth is flat using a device directly connected to a satellite that only works because the scientists who designed it took the (very real) shape of the planet into account.

We're fucked.

They are also the ones who will point to their sixth grade biology class as proof that there are two genders.

As a trans woman, the look on someone's face when I said there were at least 9 variations on the 23rd pair is always priceless. It doesn't matter if having one of those variations is irrelevant to being trans, it shuts down their sixth grade understanding of biology and sex determination.

Yes I had the discussion with someone who I thought was better than this today.

And their imaginary friends are unlikely to challenge their biases or present new evidence.

There's such a small risk of regret after taking hrt medication or undergoing surgery that it must be medically advisable to support trans care.

You're not going to believe this, but apparently people understand their own gender better than random, self-centered bigots.

Even more than that, gender affirming care has been shown to be highly effective. Its efficacy rate is among the highest for any treatment for any condition. And as far as HRT goes, very few downsides or side effects. It's why HRT is an approved treatment for a variety of issues in cis patients as well.

I heard somewhere that the regret rate for sex reassignment surgery is even lower than the failure rate of the surgery itself. The regret rate is lower than the regret rate for Lasik. That is incredible.

Wouldn't surgery make it permanent? I heard a couple stories of the people who did regret it.

Yes, getting Lasik surgery is permanent. Sometimes people do regret getting Lasik eye surgery.

Here's the thing. Medical regret has it's own feild of associated study. There are different causes to medical regret and there is no proceedure not immediately life saving you can take has a 0% regret rate. Hip and knee replacements for instance have a very high rate of regret.

Some of the key causes of regret are things like believing that there will be more function than you've been lead to hope, slower recovery rates and cosmetic issues arising from surgery.

Trans paitents are a unique demographic. By the time they reach the operating table they have likely been binding, packing, tucking, voice training and giving the operation exhaustive levels of thought. These acts cause "temporary" physical discomforts in themselves but they serve as a sort of training period to figure out if these are going to be viable long term wants. The cosmetic issues of scarring is less of a problem because those are things those paitents know what to expect.

As for issues of impaired function caused by surgical complications... Those risks are discussed at length with paitents beforehand in the lengthy consultation process. Some trans people elect to skip some surgeries in favor of allowing social acceptance of partial transitions to fill in the gaps.

Saying there's nobody ever who will regret a surgery is unrealistic. Removing a medical course of treatment with an incredibly low rate of post surgery regret - even among the paitent cohort who experience less than the ideal anticipated results... Isn't logical.