magnetic rule imaging to – 215 points –

Please do not the MRI machine


its fake

its not even a mri, its a ct scan

Well if it was true I highly doubt they finished the MRI...

Well, they would need to see where the item is in the chest cavity after the injury. And it's not like they're gonna take another MRI afterwards to do that, so...

That said, id be surprised if the plug didn't just... Exit the person's body, through existing holes or new ones, once they were in the MRI. Those magnets are strong.

Yeah, if there's ANY metal, it goes into the magnet. Your flesh won't stop it, it's why they won't do an MRI if you have metal pins in your body.

Well that's one way to get your insides rearranged

Thought I had YouTube or some other streaming app open in the background when I viewed the image.

He's probably going to win the lawsuit too.