What is your opinion on Andrew Tate?

auckify@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – -104 points –

Edit : thanks for upvotes👍🏻


If your other post of the exact same thing didn't make the impression, let me be clear: this is not the platform for you to simp for that peice of shit. Take the not-subtle hint of all the down votes and go defend misogynists on 4chan or some other shit hole of the internet

Not sure why you reposted this, but I'll repost my reply to you!

He’s crushingly stupid, obsessed with idiotic and meaningless status symbols, a misogynist, racist, homophobe, and transphobe, unconcerned with science or truth and actively attacks those who are… he’s basically the worst kind of human being.

All of this would bad enough on its own, but he is also actively trying to lead an army of young men into the same awful, toxic wasteland.

So altogether a vile person unworthy of any time or attention.

I have heard some of what he says, a lot of it is bullshit like "Real men do ____ and ____".

Lol, as a man well into my 30s, real men don't give a shit and don't wait around to listen to someone else how to tell them to be a man. Real men have their own confidence and know that being masculine isn't something that someone else can give you, but something you have to build yourself.

You want to go work on cars and smoke all day? Awesome, you're a man. You want to go drink fruity cocktails and drive a Prius? Also awesome, and you're also just as much of a man. Because manliness isn't worrying about what someone wears or does, if anything that's the exact opposite of masculinity. Real masculinity is being confident in yourself and not giving a shit what other people think of you.

Yep, he does do that. And the point isn't even to create masculinity in his audience, it's to sell low-quality shit to rubes. It's an MLM for young men -- kind of like crypto/NFTs but for those who are more concerned about their masculinity than their finances.

Get rich quick schemes are always an easy way to sell to people. The age old "someday you'll be like me if you just buy my shitty product"

Judging from your other thread, you know perfectly well most sane people's take on that rapist. Take the hint and fuck off to 4chan or something.

He's living proof that being a regressive incel troglodyte isn't limited to people who are ugly.

Well, ugly on the outside anyway. Much like beauty, true ugliness comes from inside, and that man has an inner ugliness that cannot be denied. He can do all the reps he wants and he'll still come across like someone who shouldn't be allowed within 1000 feet of a school.

Idk what you're talking about. Tate is pretty fucking ugly too. Sure he works out sonhe has a nice bod but his face is just, eck. Weirdly recessed chin, narrow jaw, it's not great.

He represents every single thing wrong with humanity and I hope he dies suffering slowly unable to speak for the next 500 years

Hope he gets assaulted in prison just like all the girls he raped and trafficked.

I think he's a prick and a predator, but also that it's funny how mad virtue signalers get upset at his name even being brought up.

It's like he's Voldemort or something, then again Harry Potter is another topic that a vocal minority of people freak out about when it's brought up.