More Migrants Are Drowning in the Rio Grande Than Ever. No Agency Is Keeping Track of How Many. to – 173 points –
More Migrants Are Drowning in the Rio Grande Than Ever. No Agency Is Keeping Track of How Many.

That's what Abbott and his fans want. Dead migrants and asylum-seekers. And it's what Trump wants too.

The more the better. If Trump could, he would show mass graves of dead non-white people who died at the border at his rallies.

It's wonder he not calling to have the area nucked. But 100% right this is what they want and their base does too. Unless Democrats and Binden don't put stop to this It's going get worse.

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If no agency is keeping track, how do we know?

Read the article, it gives a lot more information than just the headline.

Well yah. That's how articles work.

I tried to read it. I couldn't get past the first paragraph.
The anecdotal humanized narrative story type of reporting does nothing for me...
That's not true. It anoys me.

I go to novels when I want a story.
For news, I want information. What's the data? Who's collecting it? How? What are the hypotheses and relevent historical context? What are some (if any) solutions.

All that is in the article if you scroll past that first bit. I managed to do it, I believe in you.

I'm sure I could do it too, if someone paid me enough. Otherwise, life is too short.

Have they tried entering at the numerous official border crossing stations along major roads, highways, and ports, that are staffed 24/7 by US Customs and Immigration?