Rule (I've been dying to tell someone) to – 136 points –

Well, I'm glad you didn't die before enjoying your AMD variant of the Thinkpad T16 Gen 2 specced to the gills.

I might die of excitement now, though.

Not to ruin your fun, but in my opinion anything after the T400 series is no good. More and more components were designed to be non replaceable. Really it started with the end of the IBM era but they were still really good for a while after. Now i would always go for repair focused designs like framework, system76, etc

I had a budget, Lenovo in my country was having a massive sale, and this is my first Thinkpad, so I have nothing to compare it to.


Yeah i knew i was being a party pooper, but still wanted to share my negative experience with modern thinkpads for other people to be aware of. I hope your T16 serves you well without issue :D

Thank you for being sincere in this reply; you could easily have gotten defensive. And sorry if my reply seemed overly snarky. I'm not very good at social media.

Also, I would like to say that this is why I love Lemmy. The community is just so much friendlier and more empathetic than a place like Reddit. Thank you for reinforcing my perception.

Lemmy is my first ever "social media" so i have no comparison whatsoever. I feel like its easy to be an asshole on the internet, but usually much more rewarding not to be :)

Damn straight. Well, good luck out there. I hope you only have good experiences on Lemmy. And you can feel good knowing you gave this guy the warm and fuzzies.

Larp on fellow fedditor whilst their laptop may not be the best for repair having a nice laptop is certainly very cool

I've got a p16s Gen1 w/the Intel chip because I couldn't wait (I mean literally, I had a deadline) and I am very jealous. Congrats fellow Thinkpad enjoyer.

[I wish I could buy modern Thinkpads with the old keyboards again, I really hate everything past, say, the X1 carbon 5th gen]

This is my first ever Thinkpad, so I can't be disappointed by the comparison. What I can compare it to, though, is my old Acer Nitro 5, and it is miles ahead of that one. The build quality, the keyboard, everything is superior on the Thinkpad.

Good for you

Another thinkpad enjoyer.

Just got my first thinkpad too, the x1 carbon gen 11

Yeeey :D

Awesome. Now here's hoping neither of us drop our brand new machines on the ground.

I have the t14 gen 3 amd variant. Ok build quality, keyboard is kinda shit even compared to the thinkpad x1 carbon gen 6. Buttons on trackpad doesn't feel right either. But compared to any other modern laptop, I would still get a thinkpad. Just compared to any previous thinkpad laptops, it's much worse. Even the thinkpad t14 gen 2 had an sd card slot, the gen 3 doesn't, and ram is soldered and non-upgradable on the amd variant, last generation was upgradable.