Fix one thing... break another to Mildly – 27 points –

I -was- going to find a community who might help me with my problem, but then I found this place and it's obviously much more constructive to bitch about it than to actually try to fix it. Shame on me for not seeing that right away.

So my HDD died on me, and after some fussing around I ordered a shiny new replacement. So after waiting for the mailman like a proper doggo, I installed my shiny new toy, booted my pc and... on of my monitors now doesn't work.

I don't know why. I tried a new hdmi-cable, I tried a new monitor. my 2nd monitor works perfectly. I updated my drivers and tried a handstand. nothing. For the rest my pc works fine. The new hard disk works like a charm. But why doesn't my monitor work? If I fix it, will my mouse stop working?

I will still chill and play games tonight, but I will be mildly furiously staring at the black screen next to it every chance i get.


Did you try turning it off and on again?

Oh, yeah that fixed it!

For real?

Nah :'), at least not the first 30 or so times i tried. Maby 31 is the charm.

I recently ran into much the same problem, a power outage fried my second screen. My computer wouldn't recognize it any more, no matter which port and which cable I used. I even ordered a fucking HDMI to DisplayPort adapter to try if that made any difference. Sadly to no avail, because that one didn't work either, and I already knew the screen was still functional from running a smart TV dongle on it.

Eventually I had the brilliant idea to switch the HDMI cable to the second input on the screen itself and not just the graphics card, and that finally did the trick. The outage had apparently fried HDMI input 1 on my second screen.

You're pretty much describing the process i went trough, with some altered details. Power outage fried my HDD, ended up replacing it. Suddenly monitor doesn't work after reconnecting it. Tried the DP cable i had lying around, tried the 2nd HDMI port, both with the same HDMI cable and a different one. Tried a different monitor. (i don't have a 2nd system I could hook my monitor to, but at this point I'm fairly sure it has to do with the HDMI port of the GPU which I simply don't have the funds to replace... Might have a guy look at it, maby he knows something I don't)

GPU would have been next step you might have knocked it when you had the box open

yeah that's where my head is at as well... I'm just not yet emotionally ready for that reality

I'm reading this after waiting half a month to get a node in my rack repaired, then a week later 2 other nodes are experiencing slow speeds from my SATA SSD that wasn't a thing prior. One started right away and the other yesterday. It's looking like hardware failure on the node not the SSD, but waiting for storage to sync up to fully confirm.

I only understand half of that, but either way it sounds annoying af

Lol another day and it's still annoying af! It doesn't look like hardware is an issue. I think some docker image is updated and the software is causing a ton of IO that's bottlenecking all of my machines.

I've got a Dell Optiplex I recovered from the garbage. HDMI worked fine for a few hours then stopped. The HDMI port on the monitor works with everything else I plug in. My HDMI TV works fine with the Optiplex. Changed cables multiple times throughout.


if you swap the monitors, does the other monitor physically work? does the secondary monitor appear in the display settings?

it has power. I can use the buttons to select the channel. The only place where my pc seems to recognise it is in the monitor selection screen of my gpu drivers.... i cant select it there. Not sure if it recognises the monitor or if its just a ghost from having previously recognised it.

Edit: a different hdmi monitor or cable give the same result. "no Signal"

Have you connected the monitor to another system to rule it out?

If the pc isn't seeing a 2nd monitor then it's probably a graphics card issue.

If monitor 1 switches to monitor 2 port does it work?

I havn't yet, might later today. But I'm convinced its a gpu thing at this point. Might have bashed the hdmi cable a little to hard in the port trying to install it or something dumb like that. Its the only thing that I can think off that slightly makes sense, as it was working perfectly 5 minutes before, and nothing else has happened (other than plugging in an HDD, and I already tried unplugging that)