New ‘Matrix’ Movie In Works At Warner Bros From Drew Goddard to – 31 points –
New ‘Matrix’ Movie In Works At Warner Bros From Drew Goddard

I started rolling my eyes before I saw Drew Goddard's name, who apparently approached WB with his own idea. He is an incredibly gifted storyteller and I believe his passion for this world is sincere. I'm pretty excited to see what he has in mind.


Damn, that sucks. I thought Wachowski killed the series with that last one.

i thought it was a hilarious self-satire of not only the Matrix franchise but of soft-reboot sequels in general and a commentary about how all of the beating-of-dead-horses needs to stop, and i loved it. i laughed through the whole thing. i felt that it was a final nail in the coffin for any more Matrix films, and i have no clue how they'd possibly make another.

I have no idea how that script got past the studio. It couldn't have been more on-the-nose.

Anyone else have their first early-internet forum experiences on

Just me? That's fine.

For me, it was Creed forums, lol...

Did they welcome you with arms wide open?

They sure did! They even said "welcome to this place, I'll show you evraythang!" What a nice group of people.

… does USENET count as a forum experience? I think mine is from the Core War news group from like '90 or '91

By the power vested in me as the person responding to you I would say Usenet counts.

I forgot all about Usenet until I got back into sailing the high seas recently and let me tell ya, that is not the Usenet I remember.

Seeing The Good Place on his resume is the most reassuring thing I could have hoped to see for this movie. I don't want anyone making a Matrix sequel who couldn't have equally made a Speed Racer sequel and I think he has the chops for that.

He has a pretty versatile body of work, and I think one of the biggest throughlines is that he's very intuitive about how to approach a given story or idea. I'm not a huge Daredevil comics fan, but his take on the character for the Netflix show (at least the first season when he was involved) is about as near perfect an adaptation as I could possibly imagine (due in no small part also to Charlie Cox's masterclass performance).


Warner Bros: here is another Matrix movie

I love the Matrix. I will always be open to more franchise content, but I am unsure if anyone will have anything as good as the original trilogy and accompanying media from the early 2000s.

Me too. But after seeing that travesty of a 4th movie that they pooped out, my enthusiasm has cooled down a lot.