DeSantis Says No Thanks to $377 Million in Federal Energy Funds to politics – 109 points –
DeSantis Says No Thanks to $377 Million in Federal Energy Funds
  • Majority of funds earmarked for energy-efficiency rebates
  • Move comes as Biden administration lauds climate law benefits

What a dipshit.

This isn't idiocy, this is cruelty. He's such an ideologue that he would rather Floridians suffer than take a dime of evil Big Gubmint money.

Ah, must be that owning the Libs I've heard so much about.

These grant funds were among some $511 million in line-item vetoes made by DeSantis before signing the state’s $116.5 million budget into law last month.

Lol what

Imagine a politician who dlat least sometimes does what's right instead of trying to own "the others"

No need to imagine. Come to Michigan to witness it in action.

No governor exemplifies "The cruelty is the point" more than DeSantis. Most GOP governors will provide all of the public talking points but still do what benefits some of their constituents when the window is open. Desantis is a different (worse) breed.

Good on him, reject that socialism, sticking to his guns and pulling himself up by others' bootstraps! /s