Why do Gezendong-style-tankies support Putin and Xi-Xinpin so much ?

Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 67 points –

Why would communist support capitalists like Putin and Xi-Jinping which aren't better than Liberal-capitalists ?

I am all in for stopping liberal capitalism, but I am more interested in implementing a happinex index like Buthan than living in oligarch-capitalist-regime like Russia/China


Basically they’ve bought into the idea that the West, neoliberal capitalists to the core, is the root of all evils, so the leaders opposing the West must be good. Unfortunately, the enemy of my enemy isn’t my friend when it comes to geopolitics.

Because they can't go beyond "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" level of logic.

By the mental gymnastics they have applied to make Stalins brand of communism into their ideal they have actually learned to embrace authoritarianism.

They think that the only way that communism can be manifested is by first destroying the western capitalist society and they think Putin and Xi will help in this endeavor.

It's quite delusional (as both are openly embracing capitalism) and quite the opposite of how Marx thought communism would take place, but that's what they seem to think.

I don't understand either, I want capitalism to stop but not by making life worse like that

Because for them hate for the west comes first and foremost, and after that comes their ideology. That’s why anyone who opposes the west is good in their eyes.

They're authoritarian and they hate the west. Of course they're appealing to communists.

Western commies idolising brutal authoritarian regimes is nothing new.

Basically because there's enough people on the planet that some are going fall into any camp that gets created. People seek their own identities, which sometimes involves moving away from things other people are believing in.

Possibly an adaptation to keep the species from getting too complacent, which we're a little inclined towards otherwise, probably due to our social nature. It's a vulnerable state though, can't have the whole species going extinct every time an ice age comes.

It's bizarre. Both countries have moved away from communism. Russia is ruled by oligarchs. Xi-Jinping's stated goals are to move China to a modern socialist nation while staying in keeping with China's culture. His actions are the opposite—China has become more and more capitalist while maintaining authoritarian leadership.

This is a ridiculously loaded question.

The use of the dollar as a big stick for military base expansion and funding of forever wars across the world is directly threatened by the creation of a multipolar world. While Russia has amble things that can be criticized for, there is critical support as the defeat of NATO forces combined with the expansion of BRICS and China's BRI has created space for many countries in the world to cease their dependence on the united states while ending the funding of a military that authoritatively declared itself the world police.

Based on this data I would come to the conclusion that China is doing a good job, not to mention Covid-19 where majority of the western countries subjected large amounts of the population to a disease and continues to make allowances for anti-vaccine misinfo advocates.

Chinese homeownership is 89% compared to the united states 65% under Xi Jinping's tenure

Chinese poverty has continued to decrease under Xi Jinping's tenure

Chinese literacy rate has continued to increase and is higher than the United States

Chinese maternal mortality rate has continued to decrease while the Untied States is increasing

China's homicide rate has continued to decrease while the United States is increasing

China's suicide rate has continued to decrease while the United States is increasing


Don't get me wrong, I don't say that US are great or whatever. I say that as a socialist, modern China is pretty far from the kind of society I would like to build, and just like I blame some comrade for falling in the social liberal trap, I blame others for falling in the anything against US is good trap

Removing under rule #2 - this is political and the question is already slanted.

Are political questions out of scope for this community? There is no rule like that in the sidebar.

In "Community Info" rule 2 says they don't have the bandwidth to moderate political discussion.

*Not taking a side, just supplying information.

Yeah, maybe I should try to read more carefully.