Russia's first politically motivated block of a Fediverse server to – 112 points –
The registry of blocked websites

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Admin team of LGBTQIA.Social Mastodon instance received abuse email from Russian censorship agency, where they demanded to remove an account. The account in question represented a small group that ran a collaborative blog for LGBTQIA youth and adults in Russia.

Shortly after refusal to comply with agency's demands, the instance was blocked and is now unreachable from Russia.

All previous blocks of Fediverse instaces in Russia were related to hosting CSAM.


Waiting for a tankie essay about how it's actually an inclusive move from russia or something like that. The last thread about China blocking was a goldmine.

Saw a thread on hexbear and all I see is this lmao

Saw a thread on and all I see is this lmao

This is getting confusing to read lol

Wait, do people genuinely defend moves like this?

This is on .ml, so I'm sure we'll see some of it shortly. Or this post disappears out of a window.

Of course! They say they do it to protect themselves against Capitalist Corruption!

The next step of evolution from "leave the multi billion company alone"

If people defend Nintendo when they shut down yuzu you will definitely find a few idiots that will worship a government of any kind

They do and I fucking cringe when they call themselves lefties.

They don't. I cringe when people lie about Hexbear.

From hexbear

That's the different kind of lefties. I am talking about tankies that think that Russia and China are socialist states that fight the big imperialist

Hexbear thread dunking on this:

Highlights include

Funny how we constantly get told we support capitalist Russia, yet they never actually provide evidence for that.

I'm not surprised tho as lying about communists seems to be second nature to Western bootlickers


i love how that dude makes an absolutely ridiculous assumption, as i've never seen a "tankie" deny that current russia is reactionary as fuck, but since he's saying Bad Thing about The Tankies everyone just goes "hmm yea those tankies amirite? smh"

liberals are fucking idiots, they never have any idea of what they're actually talking about and just throw around concepts and categories with the level of understanding of a monkey playing with a power tool


"We support the Russian Federation's opposition to US imperialism. We oppose their reactionary government including the state suppression of lgbtq+ people, minority nationalities and ethnic groups, etc. Using these issues as cudgels for US/NATO imperialism hurts all people in Russia, including oppressed minorities, and undermines the progressive nature of those liberation struggles in that country."

"Smdh tankies are pro-russia homophobes"

Great thread. I especially love how some guy aks why the thread I mentioned was a goldmine and gets immediate response with screenshot of some funny comments. I love that who took the screenshot must have seen the rest, comments like this: but still decided to screenshot only the funny comments. Anyways, happy dunking.

EDIT: Also, most of comments in the thread are crying about how could I ever imagine tankie defending anti-LGBT move from Russia, because tankies don't actually support Russia (sure). Well, this comment proves that tankies are definitely able to do all mental gymnastics to defend moves like that:

If they defend China closing LGBT center, am I so crazy to expect them to defend Russia closing LGBT instance?

Spoken like a true fascist! Ukrainian ultra right judging by your surname.

This can be easily circumvented using an alt Fediverse instance, right?

Right. However, instances hosted in Russia can't federate with anymore.

Hm, I feel that should be easily worked around through proxies, but the problem is that the Russian authorities would go after those russian instances then

Could a Russian instance federate with an unblocked instance (e.g. which federates with and then federate by proxy?

Or does the protocol not work like that?

Russian instance users can still read comments from LGBT instance users if the comments are left on .world though, right?

Or does the protocol not work like that?

That's technically possible but no major fedi software implements it because you can't trust a third-party server.

Would it be possible to have a shadow instance with the only purpose of circumventing blocks?

No, but the users could just create account in any other instance federated with the blocked instance

Or just spin up a new one in heitzner or something

just spin up a new one in heitzner

Russian bank cards are accepted virtually nowhere, and only few hosting operators accept cryptocurrencies.

Yeah true. So other instances is the best bet, and better used over tor to mask the connections