New Boeing Whistleblower Says 787 Fuselages Are Improperly Fastened Together, Could Break Apart to – 295 points –
New Boeing Whistleblower Says 787 Fuselages Are Improperly Fastened Together, Could Break Apart

Another Boeing Whistle-blower Found Dead of Apparent Suicide. Weird How They Used The Same Gun Says Police Chief.

How many whistleblowers have to die before authorities start asking questions?

Depends on how much said authorities get in campaign dona.... "Oh I didn't see anything"

Time for the CEO to pay back everything they have made since they are obviously I'll gotten gains now

Oh you sweet summer child... they'll respond to this by offering stock buybacks.

And firing more senior staff because they cost to much.

If any are left lmao.

Don’t forget about the board. The CEO isn’t the top of the dog pile.

I'm sure they will split the military division from the plane building transfer the debts to a Canadian division then declare bankruptcy in Canada (see Blockbuster) and act like nothing ever happened in the US

Is it with zip ties? Because I once ziptied some furniture together and so I'm pretty much an expert now.

Boeing gimme money!

You think zip ties will hold together at those speeds? Not to mention cause drag due to the tiny bumps? Do you know anything about aerodynamical engineering?

You have to zip tie it together, then duct tape over top nice and smooth for extra holding strength and to reduce wind resistance. Boeing, hire me instead!

That... isnt really news? We already knew that by experience.