Ground rule to – 142 points –

You glorious motherfucker. There's only one issue - sandy clay does not exist.

You haven't gardened in SolCal then. Rocks, clay, and sand.

I'm just over here making soil science memes, and you got to get all serious on me.

Sandy clay does exist, but it is very rare. Look at the size of the box on the triangle. Typically, it's only found in specific settings where you've had waterlain sediment with periodic flooding. The water has to move very quickly (to deposit only sand) and then have a period of stagnation to allow for the clay particles to settle out.

Because this is a rare occurrence in nature, the joke is that it doesn't exist

Np - the meme whooshed me, so I thought these were serious takes. Thanks for the explanation.

Don't feel bad that it went over your head. it's a hyper-niche meme.

If this is legit, it is getting printed and hung on my office wall because this I terribly helpful for my line if work...

I wish to possess loamy loam, though I'd take loamish loam if that's in stock.

If you pick clay loam, you're within 1 class of 80% of the triangle

How do you read it? When I add up all three directions I get well over 100%.

Each axis runs 0 to 100 clockwise. At any point in the triangle you represent a location 0 to 100 for any given axis. Remember that the axis are rotated relative to each other by 66 degrees, not the normal 90.

Edit: For example the top vertex represents 100 on the clay line but 0 for loam and silt. Whereas the top left corner of clay loam represents values of 40 clay, 45 sand and 15 silt

Thank you. I was reading from the wrong direction so I was getting 80/90/10 instead of 80/10/10.