How to deal with addict parents? to – 65 points –

Every weekend i feel like i'm gonna lose my sh*t because they basically leave my younger sister abandoned and i have to supply the paternal figure role.

Wish i could just call someone but then i would have to take care of my sister 24/7 😔


Please do call someone, this is neglect and is a crime in many parts of the world. Investigate what national help centers/phone lines are available or even better, local ones. Please don't let your own inaction be the reason that you or your sister have something worse happen. The work you may have to do in an environment that actually wants to take care of you and your sister but is foreign to you, is a much better option than the familiar yet indifferent one you are currently in. I wish you the best, and hope everything works out for you.

Once my mom died, things opened up significantly. Just hang in there.

When I left home at 19, things opened up for me a lot more than I expected. But I still regret the 8 years that I was just "hanging in there" because the alternative was just so much better. I see where you are coming from, but unless the parents are only somewhat bad parents that otherwise take care of you, this is bad advice.

I see where you're coming from as well. Honestly, your mileage may vary. Do what you can in the moment. What happened to me may not apply in this situation. But if you need to talk, I'll be here.

Lmao what the hell kind of advice is this

Its someone sharing that they also have been in a difficult situation and survived it. Maybe not super eloquently, but it gets it out there.

Just talking about what I saw from my perspective. Your mileage may vary.

Life only gets better after you call.

They either get the help they need or you're better off without them.

What age? The school counselor may have resources. Your family is not the first to struggle. There are people/agencies who have experience and can help. Do you have other family nearby?

I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Do you have an aunt, uncle, grandparents? Any sensible adults you can call on to help?