Axios: Biden told Netanyahu U.S. won't support an Israeli counterattack on Iran to – 108 points –

"I told Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks — sending a clear message to its foes that they cannot effectively threaten the security of Israel," Biden said.


What does the headline mean with "counterattack"? Iran wouldn't have attacked if Israel didn't bomb their consulate in Syria. Why is Israel painted as the victim here?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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Biden and his senior advisers are highly concerned an Israeli response to Iran's attack on Israel would lead to a regional war with catastrophic consequences, U.S. officials said.

But thats what Israel wants. Thats why they attacked Iran in the first place.

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There’s no reason expect escalation at this time. Netanyahu got the IRGC commander and generals he wanted in the reckless embassy attack. Iran responded with last night’s attack on Israel and deemed the response conclusive.

So, US won't help Israel unless Israel could make use of it.

Thanks Biden! You're so much better than trump and not just a puppet to placate the masses.

Would you rather have had him tell Israel the U.S. would assist in an attack on Iran?

Because I guarantee you that Trump would have and I doubt that's actually what you want.

They have to wait for one of their talking heads to tell them what they want.

I just love the idea of someone both being angry at Biden for not attacking Iran while also criticizing Trump, who would have been asking the joint chiefs when he can launch the first nuke by now.

Is that why trump pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran?

This is why Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran in his own words:

We must never allow a regime that chants “Death to America” or “Death to Israel” to obtain a nuclear weapon. That’s all we can say. (Applause.)

And it’s for this reason that I withdrew the United States from that disastrous Iran nuclear deal and implemented those sanctions, which are so biting and so tough.

And if you think Trump is so pro-Iran and anti-Israel, you haven't been paying much attention to his actual words.

Literally last night:

“ISRAEL IS UNDER ATTACK! This should never have been allowed to happen – This would NEVER have happened if I were President!” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform.


Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane, so nuking Iran wouldn't have even been a question to him.

I'm not saying he wouldn't be pro-Israel, but considering how much his words say one thing on the campaign trail, and his actions are generally just whatever he thinks will benefit him the most in the moment, it wouldn't surprise me if Iran could sway him into looking the other way.

That's another issue. That Trump is incredibly easy to manipulate is a whole other ballgame. This guy seems to think that Trump is some sort of pacifist.

So I guess he isn't really Putin's puppet after all?

I thought Putin was in bed with Iran.


Six years after the Trump administration withdrew from the Iran nuclear accord, Tehran is rapidly accumulating enriched uranium, some of it very close to weapons grade. Experts fear that a bomb could be a short dash away.


So... Trump pulling out of the accord got Iran back on course to developing a nuke, which made them more powerful, which is getting Putin what he wants, which means Trump is not doing what Putin wants?

Interesting reasoning.

You must not be aware of "cognitive dissonance."

Trump is either Putin's puppet or he's worse for Iran than Biden.

You can't have both because Putin supports Iran.

Sorry this had to be spelled out for you, but this is my last reply on the matter.

You may have the last word.

Believe it or not, he can both do what Putin wants sometimes and then not do what Putin wants other times. That's the problem with using a crazy person as an end to your means.

Incidentally, your praise of Trump is interesting considering you said this a short time ago-

This was by far the dumbest comment chain I have ever read to the end. I know you thought you sounded smug and smart, but jesus was it cringe.


That's a normal reaction when being faced with your cognitive dissonance.

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Would you rather have had him tell Israel the U.S. would assist in an attack on Iran?

I'd rather have confidence that he won't assist anyway.

Yeah, actually.

At least then he'd be being honest.

I still wouldn't vote for him, but it would be preferable to lies.

So... he's lying about not attacking Iran? How do you know this?

I wasn't born yesterday.

Do you think the US won't attack Iran if it legitimately threatened Israel?

I can't predict the future like you, sorry. But I'd love to borrow your crystal ball and buy some lottery tickets if you wouldn't mind.

That's okay.

You were just born yesterday :)

You do know this statement was about what is happening right now and not about what might happen if Iran carried out some hypothetical future attack, right?

Why don't you say what you want to say instead of asking roundabout questions?


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