Israel wants to turn Jenin into another Gaza, siege by siege to World – 70 points –
Israel wants to turn Jenin into another Gaza, siege by siege

To Palestinians, Gaza is a symbol of resistance. To Israel, Gaza is a template to pummel and isolate that resistance.

On June 19, Israeli combat helicopters fired missiles into the camp, ostensibly as part of an arrest operation that ended up killing five Palestinians, including a 15-year-old girl named Sadeel Naghniyeh.

Then in early July, in the worst attack on the West Bank since 2002, the Israeli armed forces terrorised the inhabitants of Jenin for two days and killed at least 12 people, including children. The massive aerial and ground assault involved helicopter gunships, missiles, drones, armoured vehicles, bulldozers and more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers.

That is what happens, it seems, when Palestinians keep rebuilding – and keep existing. Indeed, Al Jazeera quoted 56-year-old camp resident Ahmed Abu Hweileh on the takeaway from the bloody escapade: “The message to the world and the occupation is that this camp will keep on going. They tried to destroy it and it came back up.”

Israel’s recent comportment in Jenin – and particularly the sudden use of air strikes in the West Bank for the first time in years – has invited comparisons to the Israeli modus operandi in the Gaza Strip, another location that has come to symbolise Palestinian resistance.


Judging by the pro-fash bootlickers infesting this post it sure looks like Israel's shill farms have wasted no time slithering onto Lemmy.

Somehow Israel is a genocidal imperialist government driven by blood and soil nationalism, and it's supposed to get a pass for...handwavy reasons...

As if it's been anything but that, ever in it's existence? The PA is Gaza, Fatah is Gaza, Hamas is Fatah, there is no discernible difference between any Palestinian group whatsoever, as an identifiable discernable difference would mean one is more willing to work towards a lasting responsible peace with Israel than the other, and no Palestinian group, faction, camp, or town has ever honestly worked towards one, ever.

Play silly shell games for another 70 years, it's cool, the Jews can wait. And defend themselves.

The bigger problem is that Israel is a violent apartheid state, lol

Backed up by a wannabe theocracy ruled by the NRA.

What does peace mean when Israel keeps stealing your land?

Arabs are from Arabia, Jews are from Judea. Hope that helps. And if it doesn't we really couldn't give a shit, if it's not one thing with you people, it's another, we're pretty used to it by now. And we aren't going anywhere.

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Huh I wonder what would discourage them from working together with Israel. Must just be one of those things I guess.

You mean Palestine doesn't work together with Israel because they keep getting invaded and having their rights violated?

Are you a tankie? /s

It’s impressive the level of ignorance in this post. Palestinians have put forth multiple peace proposals and the Israeli government has turned them down without any counter offer. Abbas offered to permanently give up Jerusalem and Right of Return in exchange for just a meeting with Netanyahu on peace talks and was turned down. Netanyahu does not WANT a credible peace partner, which is why he jails Palestinian politicians and undermines the moderates, so he can create a fait accompli.

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  • this was in response to terrorist attacks that originated from Jenin
  • no innocents have been killed, only wounded
  • (not from this article) about half a ton of gun powder and explosives were confiscated

Terrorism is the only possible way to deal with a violent oppressor. If you were on their side you’d be calling them guerrilla warriors. Remember in what kind of glowing coverage the US media used to talk about mujahideen?

I'll let you in on a tiny secret: if the plastinians weren't violent they would've already have a county (shhh)

Is this sarcasm? You're saying if they stopped fighting back against invaders who want to take their land they...would have land? If only they'd give up their land, they'd have land? Do I have that right? I hope I'm just misreading this.

Riiiiiight... and if Jewish people would just have stopped being Jewish the nazis would have given them a cozy homeland in Bavaria, right?

no innocents have been killed, only wounded

Evil naZi propaganda

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