Maybe it's just a series of coincidences...

The Picard to – 750 points –

Looking forward at the day (soon) where the memes die down, nothing happens to Boeing, and we basically forget this ever happened. Then a couple months later someone will post, "TIL Boeing Was Fined for Killing Whistleblowers" right after Boeing posts some record quarterly report.

I am surprised none of those people has done one of those deadman switches to increase their chance of survival. Like a thing somewhere that info dumps all the incriminating evidence on the web if the user hasn't entered a passcode for 48 hours

Main stream media is in on the capitalist grift. They run cover for Boeing. They'd have to make it one HELL of a drop to many different people and orgs for it to actually get out.

Yeah you would have to make sure it gets sent not only to the classic media but also use social media, and of course send it to many different countries. Chances are at least one is willing to publish it, if only to fuck with America.

Would this not be something Wikileaks could handle dispersal of?

It's my understanding that they are well set up to handle stuff like this. Both dead man switch style "if you don't check in, we'll get to work" stuff, and with widespread news industry contacts and social media accounts.

I'm sure they could but then they'd become the source. Ideally there would be tons of corroborating evidence so it'd be undeniable, but it might not have as much reach to normies as dishing everything to many places directly, as difficult as that'd be.

If I want a suicide-by-cop outcome, I’d be a boeing whistleblower.

Just had to double check that Mick Lynch hadn't passed away or started moonlighting as an actor...

I miss Lost

Just rewatch the last season. That'll cure you.

The last season was fine. I won't go as far as to say it was great, it wasn't, but it was fine.

90% of the commentators that I see saying the last season sucked completely misunderstood what actually happened. And that's the shows fault, to be clear,at least to some degree.

I'm currently watching it for the first time and the flash-forwards just started happening and I'm kinda losing interest. Worth watching the rest of should I just stop now? The first 2-3 seasons were pretty great tho.

I watched like half a random episode with my parents years ago and Lost interest as well.

The first 2-3 seasons are great. And that's because it's excellent characters in an unusual situation with just a splash of mystery/paranormal. The end of the show sucks, because they wrote it like they knew where it was leading, but they didn't. The big reveals are very unsatisfying. Would have been better if they just ended it with no answers and let it develop organically instead of shoe-horning a "this is what it was all leading to" ending into it.