Fear the fish women!

no banana@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 365 points –

The y axis confuses me. I see the x axis is the want-fear axis, but what is the y axis?

The axis are diagonal

Still doesn’t make sense, the diagonals go women-women and fish-fish, those are the same values. The horizontal want-fear axis makes sense.

I still upvoted, just wondering if my brain broke or something.

The diagonals are for "amount of fear induced to fish" and "amount of fear induced to women". Fishinness and womeness are indeed constent on each of the axis respectively

This is very correct, you can see tall baseball is not completely feared by fish nor women for to reach true fear from either one must reach an absolutely neutral state with the others.

What is a mermaid's opinion about you?

We talkin regular mermaid, or reverse mermaid?