Teamsters president says he's asked the White House not to intervene if UPS workers go on strike

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 151 points –
Teamsters president says he's asked the White House not to intervene if UPS workers go on strike

They better not intervene m, unless they're going to compel UPS to meet the union's demands

Nah just like they did with the railroad workers dispute. They will side with the corporate boards.

They kept working on it. Railroad workers got paid sick leave 6 weeks ago.

Biden was trying to appease corpos, he was trying not to have inflation explode and kick of a recession. Restricted supply was one of the big drivers of inflation, and more of that had every economist freaked out.

and more of that had every economist freaked out.

And? It isn't like economics is a science or that economists are on our side. Almost all of them pushed for and apologize for the bailouts.

Social sciences are never perfect, but there is MORE than enough data points in the world to support the supply and demand model.

Scarcity inflates prices. Humans have literally been documenting this economic phenomenon for over 2000 years.

I agree social sciences are not perfect but given that Economics isn't a science I am not seeing the relevance. My brother-in-law is a Lincoln Park fan and I like beer. Do you really need a degree to mindlessly repeat whatever the banks want you to repeat to the middle class that bailed them out? Chatgpt can do it. If you study economics now they are falling over themselves begging for another bank bailout.

Scarcity inflates prices.

In that case asbestos insulated houses with lead paint must be increasing in value.

I’m referring to the scarcity of goods people want to and need to buy… asbestos is something people actively try to avoid.

Seems like the argument is changing to me. But whatever, how do you factor in that demand can create its own supply?

The argument isn't changing. My argument is that the reason economists were freaked out was because of basic supply and demand theory. And that's not controversial. If lots of people want a thing, and there isn't enough of that thing to meet the demand, the price of that thing usually goes up.

We literally just saw this in action during the pandemic with port blockages and stimulus money. Ports restricted supply and stimulus money increased buying power / demand. More people wanted to buy things at a time when less things could make it to shelves. That produced inflation, because it almost always produces inflation when there is more demand than supply.

The rail strike threatened to prolong that imbalance. High inflation is NOT a good thing for the general public. High inflation creates food insecurity, housing insecurity, and has historically been a precursor to recessions and unemployment. Simply haulting rail would prolonged inflation or made it worse, and it would've hurt people.

IMHO, the dude made the right call. rail workers got paid leave 5 months later and we avoided inflationary risk. That solution probably helped the most amount of vulnerable people. Just my 2¢

If they do interfere I hope the Teamsters go full Teamster on the government.

Why would they? They're a private company, the government has absolutely zero business interfering in a labor dispute with private companies, unless of course they want to acknowledge that they do have power over private businesses like these to regulate them. In which case they should fucking nationalize them and throw the execute board in jail.

They interfered when the rail workers went on strike, why wouldn't they interfere with UPS? They're both logistics corporations, and the whole point with the rail strike interference was to keep goods moving to where they need to be.

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I don't think Biden will intervene in this case. It's one company that's going on strike, not a whole system of transportation. The economic impact will be significant but limited, as there are others that will pick up what slack they can.

Of course, this means that to preserve the right to strike we need to break companies up so they're not too big to fail.

I can tell you right now no can pick up the slack fedex maybe can take an extra 600k in the their system. Put it in perspective that's the normal for the memphis night sort. It going to be very ugly.

The president should have nothing except an unofficial advisory role, at best, about any strike unless it is a total war situation. It is not a proscribed power.