I was banned from 196@social.blahaj.zone for "being a unibomber apologist"

faceless@lemmy.world to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 4 points –

There is no rule against anarchism, why was I banned?

Also I don't support the unibombers methods, I am just an anarchist. This goes against the ideas of 196, where the only rule is that you have to post before you leave. @threegnomes@lemmy.blahaj.zone and other mods, I am very upset


anarchist complains that someone isn't following the rules... ba dum tiss

The rules are stupid, that's what I'm saying

yeah, but if you're an anarchist then I just don't get it. how can you hold someone to a rule or have any opinion on the quality of the rules when you've already decided that all rules are stupid and you're not following any of them (unless you maybe are just following some in order to stay out of jail because reality exists outside of our internal priorities)

What a stupid fucking take.

Anarchism is a stateless society without hierarchy. It’s not a society without rules, people can mutually agree to live within a social framework.

that point doesn‘t really hold its worth. a murderer‘s house cannot be searched without a warrant just because he is a murderer, he still has a right to privacy, which police need to keep.

according to your take, police are allowed to search every self proclaimed anarchists houses.

what? no. That would require that the governing body of the police were itself anarchist... which is a paradox.

however, if the police did that then said anarchist would have to follow the establishment's rules in order to fight back and win. If said anarchist were always 100% true to their beliefs then they would not go the route of abiding the laws because they are against the establishment in every way. they would want to fight back, but not by following the rules.

in your scenario, you made the police out to be anarchists themselves which is a bit backward. the police are fascist, or any other totalitarianism or similar.

wtf is 196? is it a code like 420 and I'm just not in the loop?

They post doodles of cats, and something about trans people. That's all I know.

I don't agree with terrorism, I'm stupid but not that stupid. Ted kazinski was an awful man who bombed post offices, why would I ever agree with that?

It seems to me you're probably in almost the wrongest place to ask.

I have no idea where else to put this

Well, this c is specifically for discussion of this instance, and you're having problems on a different instance. If you're getting nowhere talking to the mods of that specific community you could try looking for a meta community on that instance to talk about it. Lemmy.world has nothing to do with moderation in a different community on a different instance.

Probably on the instance the community is on. See if that instance has a chat or general community.

I agree with terrorism if its funny

Like imagine blowing up a building and having confetti come out after

Comedy gold

were you a unabomber apologist?


Well, go on, what did you post, then?

That I agree with SOME of his ideas. That doesn't mean I like how he tried to show them. Don't bomb posts offices.

Okay, but what exactly did you post? C'mon now.

I can't find it, which is weird. I'll try to find a way back machine image of the post for you

well let this be your wake up call, now you can be one consequence free

go forth and sin brother

For starters...for an anarchist it's strange you're a stickler for the rules

But also it's always going to be an unspoken rule that the mods can ban you from a site at their discretion. That's why moderation is done by people and not automated (mostly), because there's always going to be exceptions and things that weren't accounted for.

As others have said you just kindof have to read the room sometimes.

Try not to take it too personally: the commies are extra sensitive at the moment because they have to share the fediverse with a giant influx of liberals. You'd probably be upset if they were pouring into your space. Not that anybody owns it, but we all take things for granted. It'll cool off.

edit: the gears of this sarcasm machine are lubricated by Marxist tears

I've been reading the modlog (something that Lemmy does really well is make modding transparent) and people have been getting banned for stupid reasons like this

You kinda get what you deserve for doing real politics in 196