Trump says he's "looking at" allowing bans on birth control, backtracks after criticism

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 243 points –

I think everyone should stop criticizing Trump for a week and just see how far he'll go without any negative feedback loop.

We all know he'd bring back slavery if he could. Witch burnings? I could see it. Lead pipes? Why not. Heliocentricism? No thanks. I wonder if he'd call for a full revert to monke.

I am eager to live to see the 2027 acquisition of Greenland as a US territory, as well as the 2026 nuking of Hurricane Zedophilus.

What a degenerate halfwit he is. It's beyond me how a correct thinking human can support him. Oh that's right no correct thinking humans do support him.

So I take it from that he's only fucked Melania once.

Are you kidding? Rules for thee but not for me, I bet he uses protection every time he bangs Ivanka Melania.

Didn't Stormy say he refused to use protection? The idiot won't wrap it even when trying to bang a porn star.

That would be how we all know, it's a matter of court record

Well, she presumably uses birth control, we all know he doesn't wear protection

"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

-- Frank Wilhoit

I kind of assumed IVF.

Is news only politics now or what

Politics is news. But yeah, probably more than half of my posts on here are political. That’s just the important news of the day imo. If you see other news, you can make posts